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Beer drinkers of B&B

Good afternoon, gentleman!:biggrin1:

Just curious how many of you out there are beer enthusiasts. I personally frequent Beer Advocate often, and try different beers whenever I can.

What I normally do when I'm in the store is pick out something I haven't tried, and then search it on BA. If it's a C or above, I'll give it a shot.

One of my favorite companies is The Boston Beer Company, producers of Samuel Adams. The Winter Lager is delicious, and their flagship, Boston Lager is always a good choice in my eyes... I also had the pleasure of taking the brewery tour in Boston, a great experience for anyone in the Boston area (free beer included!)

Some of the others I've tried (and enjoyed): Smuttynose, Flying Fish Brewing, Dogfish Head, Magic Hat

What do you guys enjoy? Any dislikes? Anyone operating a kegerator in their home?
I'm a total beer snob, but enjoy the cheap stuff too.

I'm always on the lookout for something I havent' had before and I've lost count of how many different beers I've tried over the years. I don't worry about reviews because I've had beers that I simply love that others totally hate (e.g. I love New Belgium's Fat Tire and I have friends who think it's vile), and the converse is true as well (e.g. I don't care for any lambic, and I have friends that love lambics).

I don't have a kegerator, but when I have the time to brew my own, I like to keg that and keep it in our spare fridge.
I am definitely a beer enthusiast. Recently started drinking Stone Brewing Co. beers. It's a local brewery so I'm not sure if they are available on the east coast. Their flagship is Arrogant Bastard Ale and their Smoked Porter is really nice.

Ever tried them?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I'm usually on Ratebeer.com

I didn't try that many beers (I only reviewed a bit over 300) but I love my brew. I usually go to the beer festival every year. I try new stuff if I can.

My favorite styles are Belgian Ales, Belgian Strong Ales and even Fruit beers. If I have to pick a company, pretty much anything that Unibroue does!
I'm a fan of Belgian Ales and the like.

My top 3:

Hennepin - Brewery Ommegang
Hoegaarden - Brouwerij van Hoegaarden
Duvel - Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat

(not necessarily in that order)

I experiment occasionally now, but used to frequent a a great BeerHaus in Pittsburgh called the Sharp Edge - many great beers on tap (about 30) and literally 100's chilled and ready to imbibe.

I'm no fan of the global mega brewers and their products. My leanings are towards the local brewer in each market. I feel fortunate to live in Raleigh, NC because it's rapidly becoming a hotbed for microbrews. When I moved here 5 years ago there was a small indy in my town and there have been a few that have opened up since with a few more on the way - bad economy and all (guess we all need the stuff when times are tough). I try to buy their products especially since they rotate their offerings seasonally with a few sold year round.
Big beer fan here. Homebrewer for 5 years. I'm also taking the BJCP exam in February. I plan to work at a brewery in the near future, and eventually own my own brewery.
Walt Whitman said:
Hennepin - Brewery Ommegang
I love Ommegang! Have you tried Abbey Ale?? Delicious!!!

JPM said:
Their flagship is Arrogant Bastard Ale and their Smoked Porter is really nice.

I enjoyed Arrogant Bastard... I don't too much care for Stouts or Porters, but I try them when I feel adventurous...

Edcculus said:
Big beer fan here. Homebrewer for 5 years. I'm also taking the BJCP exam in February. I plan to work at a brewery in the near future, and eventually own my own brewery.

That's exciting! What brewery do you plan on working at?
My favorite breweries change from time to time, but I've found Avery (Hog Heaven Barleywine and their IPA, in particular) and New Belgium to be consistently pleasing. If ever presented with a chance to try New Belgium's La Folie, do it. :001_smile
I'm a fan of Belgian Ales and the like.

My top 3:

Hennepin - Brewery Ommegang
Hoegaarden - Brouwerij van Hoegaarden
Duvel - Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat

(not necessarily in that order)

I experiment occasionally now, but used to frequent a a great BeerHaus in Pittsburgh called the Sharp Edge - many great beers on tap (about 30) and literally 100's chilled and ready to imbibe.


I recently tried Saison Dupont Organic Belgian Farmhouse Ale. It was really, really good if you can find it.
I could tell where you're from just from the mentions of Dogfish Head and Flying Fish. :D

If we're going for microbrew, like the kind where you have to go to the brewhouse to get it, I'm a fan of Triumph (in Princeton NJ) and of John Harvard's (a few locations in MA).

For stuff with wider distribution, I'm partial to Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat if I'm feeling fancy, and Blue Moon if I'm not (or if they don't have Leinenkugel). Really I'm happy with 'most any hefeweizen.
I could tell where you're from just from the mentions of Dogfish Head and Flying Fish. :D

If we're going for microbrew, like the kind where you have to go to the brewhouse to get it, I'm a fan of Triumph (in Princeton NJ) and of John Harvard's (a few locations in MA).

For stuff with wider distribution, I'm partial to Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat if I'm feeling fancy, and Blue Moon if I'm not (or if they don't have Leinenkugel). Really I'm happy with 'most any hefeweizen.

If you like hefeweizens, have you tried Circus Boy? I love em'. Great to sip on during a hot summer day.

Blue Moon is also a great beer, some of the beer snobs get upset because it's a Coors product... but I say, at least they're trying. The Blue Moon Grand Cru, brewed in a special batch for New Year's was excellent, IMO.
I am definitely a beer enthusiast. Recently started drinking Stone Brewing Co. beers. It's a local brewery so I'm not sure if they are available on the east coast. Their flagship is Arrogant Bastard Ale and their Smoked Porter is really nice.

Ever tried them?

I've seen Arrogant Bastard a few times in NYC. Had it once, but I had been doing a little bit too much "tasting" that night to remember it...

Personally, a big fan of Sam Adams seasonal stuff!
I've seen Arrogant Bastard a few times in NYC. Had it once, but I had been doing a little bit too much "tasting" that night to remember it...

Personally, a big fan of Sam Adams seasonal stuff!

Sam Seasonals are amazing... where in NYC do you live? There's a place with a great beer menu I've been to with my girlfriend, good food too.

It's on 33rd. Give it a shot if you haven't already.
I guess I'm quite lucky living in Belgium :biggrin1:

I like many kinds of beers, but some of my favorites are:
  • Duvel
  • Orval
  • Rochefort 10 (in low quantities)
  • St. Bernardus Abt 12
  • Westmalle Tripel
I guess I'm quite lucky living in Belgium :biggrin1:

I like many kinds of beers, but some of my favorites are:
  • Duvel
  • Orval
  • Rochefort 10 (in low quantities)
  • St. Bernardus Abt 12
  • Westmalle Tripel

Duvel and St. Bernardus are two of my favorites. Nice to see they are enjoyed in their country of origin as well. :thumbup:
Dundee is a favorite up here in WNY. Awesome seasonal stuff, plus their traditional honey lager. Also a big fan of Saranac. Their pomegranate wheat is friggin' awesome.

And finally...Flying Bison. Their Barnstormer Pale Ale is one of the best PA's I've ever tasted.
Sam Seasonals are amazing... where in NYC do you live? There's a place with a great beer menu I've been to with my girlfriend, good food too.

It's on 33rd. Give it a shot if you haven't already.

I live in Queens, but travel to the city regularly. And this Stout place is right near Gingerman which has an even larger selection, but is super crowded. Stout is on my list now!
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