Yeah, I love Bay Rum. Grew up with it. My cousin used to come visit us from his prep school and bring a big bottle of St. John's Bay Rum, the bottle wrapped in that wicker basket covering. I used to borrow some of it, splashing it on my face and neck before we'd go out to our teenage dances. I always associate the smell of Bay Rum with the excitement of looking forward to meeting pretty girls!
Since then, I've tried all the brands - Pinaud, Royall Bay Rhum, etc. I keep coming back to St. John's. I've returned a bottle here & there to other fragrance houses. They seem to want to mass-produce the scent and water it down miserably.
The only thing is - my wife (of one year) doesn't care for it! She says it makes me smell like a Thanksgiving gum drop!
Oh well..
Her favorite scent on me is Pinaud Clubman - the inexpensive after-shave you can find in any CVS. I wear it because she likes it. Her nickname for it is "Mr. Pimms".
It suddenly occurred to me that I am writing a virtual short story about an after-shave. Maybe I'd better go write out those music parts I've been putting off.....
Since then, I've tried all the brands - Pinaud, Royall Bay Rhum, etc. I keep coming back to St. John's. I've returned a bottle here & there to other fragrance houses. They seem to want to mass-produce the scent and water it down miserably.
The only thing is - my wife (of one year) doesn't care for it! She says it makes me smell like a Thanksgiving gum drop!
Oh well..
Her favorite scent on me is Pinaud Clubman - the inexpensive after-shave you can find in any CVS. I wear it because she likes it. Her nickname for it is "Mr. Pimms".
It suddenly occurred to me that I am writing a virtual short story about an after-shave. Maybe I'd better go write out those music parts I've been putting off.....