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Bay Rum, the best smell around!

Yeah, I love Bay Rum. Grew up with it. My cousin used to come visit us from his prep school and bring a big bottle of St. John's Bay Rum, the bottle wrapped in that wicker basket covering. I used to borrow some of it, splashing it on my face and neck before we'd go out to our teenage dances. I always associate the smell of Bay Rum with the excitement of looking forward to meeting pretty girls!
Since then, I've tried all the brands - Pinaud, Royall Bay Rhum, etc. I keep coming back to St. John's. I've returned a bottle here & there to other fragrance houses. They seem to want to mass-produce the scent and water it down miserably.
The only thing is - my wife (of one year) doesn't care for it! She says it makes me smell like a Thanksgiving gum drop!
Oh well..
Her favorite scent on me is Pinaud Clubman - the inexpensive after-shave you can find in any CVS. I wear it because she likes it. Her nickname for it is "Mr. Pimms".
It suddenly occurred to me that I am writing a virtual short story about an after-shave. Maybe I'd better go write out those music parts I've been putting off.....
The only thing is - my wife (of one year) doesn't care for it! She says it makes me smell like a Thanksgiving gum drop!
Oh well..


Fortunately my girlfriend likes the smell of Pinaud Bay Rum. The sweet and spicy smell is so different from anything else I wear. I think she also likes my reaction to the burn when I splash it on. :tongue:
Today is a rainy day in NY, and I am wearing Dominca Bay Rum -- one of my favorites!

Hey, it seems like I have Deja Vu all over again!
I wore my Ogalalla at work for the first time yesterday. One of the other techs had brought something to my office, and apparently had returned raving about how good it smelled in there. The next time I stepped into the pharmacy I was accosted by several other female techs. Their exact words were:
"Stop. We need to smell you."


My elbows leak
Staff member
Hard to beat a good Bay Rum.
Some's better than others, but none are too bad to wear, LOL.

Lot's of instructions for making your own. Google it.
Like the Pinaud version a lot but after a couple of weeks of use I need something else for a while to keep on liking it.
Just a moment ago I unwrapped a bottle of Dominica Bay Rum & Lime that was delivered from straightrazordesigns.com. Splashed some on and am loving it. Coincidentally used Ogallala Bay Rum Lime & Peppercorn soap and a/s this morning. Very similar - in a good way.
Well done, my man. haha

I wore my Ogalalla at work for the first time yesterday. One of the other techs had brought something to my office, and apparently had returned raving about how good it smelled in there. The next time I stepped into the pharmacy I was accosted by several other female techs. Their exact words were:
"Stop. We need to smell you."
I sampled this Aftershave in a local health food store and I have to say it's definitely the best "bay rum" scent I've encountered thus far. Clean, sharp, complex are the words that come to mind. Now, I obviously didn't use it for its intended purpose, so I can't comment on it other than the scent. It didn't have as much of the clovey-sweetness of some of the others. Unfortunately, it just wasn't in my budget, but I hope it soon will be...


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