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Bay Rum Recommendations.

Hello everyone !

Just a quick post asking for some of your valuable advice.
Can anyone on here recommend a particular quality Bay Rum??
It's as a gift for my Father, although I will probably snag a bottle for myself if it's any good haha !

Ideally something of good quality that can be used as a hair tonic and aftershave.
I know my Grandfather used the stuff a lot on his barnet and post shave , but haven't got the foggiest what brand it was.

Anyway ...suggestions/recommendations???

Thanks a lot!!
I just ordered some Captains Choice and have never used it before so I can't comment. But I have been using Ogallala and at this point it's hard to imagine anything better. We shall see :001_smile

Ideally something of good quality that can be used as a hair tonic and aftershave.

Aftershave/Hair tonic ?
Ogallala (try the bonanza pack), Stephens...same stuff my barber uses and it is heavenly, Aubrey Organics Spice Islands, and Pinaud Virgin Islands bay rum (if you like cloves in your bay rum).
I've used Ogallalla and Dominica, and they are both nice but very different. Ogallala is sweeter, and has a strong clove component. Dominica is more herbal/medicinal smelling, but still nice (I used it today)
I'd say Ogallalla if you want something a bit more sweet and clovey, Captain's Choice if you want one that is more spice/rum...
For some old school, standby choices... Masters, Superior 70 (Walgreens if you are lucky), Stephans. these are all barbershop standards and are pretty basic bay rums.
I love Captain's Choice.

Then again, I also love Dominica....and Master's....and Pinaud Virgin Island.....

Bah...just buy one of each and rotate them.
I'd recommend Krampert's Finest Bay Rum Acadian Spice.

Fantastic scent, very moisturizing and mild, and pretty much all-natural ingredients. :)
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