I was at my niece's first birthday party yesterday evening, and I was sitting around with my dad talking about random stuff. I was, all of a sudden and for no discernable reason, curious to learn whether he likes the bay rum scents. He had heard of such but only vaguely recalls having smelled it and couldn't say whether he liked it, because he'd forgotten the scent. He then went on to tell me that in the late 60s he started using something called "Barnaby's Bitters." He said he liked it because other colognes he used at the time didn't react well with his skin (something about pH), and the scents often changed quite noticeably, and not for the better, whereas Barnaby's Bitters did not have that effect.
He said it was discontinued in the early 70s or some time around then, and he was disappointed. I tried to hunt it down on the net to see if it has been picked up by some company (perhaps even overseas) or maybe just score some from ebay. Google and Bing searches turned up nothing of value, and it seems Barnaby's has been all but erased from history.
Are any of you guys old enough to remember this stuff or even used it? What does it smell like? Is there anything out there available like it now?
He said it was discontinued in the early 70s or some time around then, and he was disappointed. I tried to hunt it down on the net to see if it has been picked up by some company (perhaps even overseas) or maybe just score some from ebay. Google and Bing searches turned up nothing of value, and it seems Barnaby's has been all but erased from history.
Are any of you guys old enough to remember this stuff or even used it? What does it smell like? Is there anything out there available like it now?