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Barbicide YES or NO ?

I recently purchased some Barbicide and was wondering if I could submerge my entire straight razor in this solution?? I'm not sure if it will affect the scales or not. Will it affect the print or the finish. Has any one out there totally submerged there razor in this before and if so how long should I leave it submerged in this solution??? I have purchased some old straight razors and want to sterile them before I use them on my face!! :scared::scared:
Just the blade. Barbacide can wreak havoc on scales. Clean them with something else - a towel and whatever solution you have handy.
Just the blade.
Vintage scales can be made of celluloid, that doesn't like any chemicals & most natural materials can react in strange ways when in contact with chemicals.

Dish-washing liquid & a sponge will do a very good job getting the scales clean and sanitized
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