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Barberland Video

It's a great video... I learned to do a sliding stroke from that. It's been posted before but deserves to be resurrected again.
7 mins in was quite disconcerting, the sliding stroke consistently, it's not something you would do atg
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I do it more and more. It's a very commonly recommended practice in Barber's texts. I can lay the blade down almost flat on my skin, ATG, with the "slide", and I feel it prolongs the life of the edge.
The video, i can barely watch it; most of the time, he's in the way of the completely stationary camera. It would have a greater impact if I could actually see what his hands are doing.
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It's a great video... I learned to do a sliding stroke from that. It's been posted before but deserves to be resurrected again.

I figured it had been posted before...oh well. Sorry to those that have seen it :blush:

I am a straight razor newbie, and I am trying to get AS MUCH info as possible. I enjoy watching different shaving methods and stretching techniques. I think as a newbie, I am still "impressionable" and I am trying to find my own style. The sliding stroke demonstrated here does seem to work pretty well.
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