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Barbasol Confession

I was using a can of noxema shaving cream for times when I was in a serious hurry but I didn't like it so I replaced it with some barbasol and can't believe how much nicer the lather is.
I also keep proraso canned shaving cream in my gym bag and lately I've been shaving more with that than my soaps and creams. I love soap and a brush but really have no problem with the "canned goo".
I use the Aloe variant with single-blade Bic disposables with great results for next to nothing, that combo works for me currently, use what works for you.

Bic disposables? Are you sure you get a great shave with those? How would you describe your beard growth after two days? My growth is coarse and thick after two days and I found Bic disposables to be the worst as far as causing cuts. They were really tough on the neck.
Are you really getting a BBS shave with a Bic disposable?
I really wet my face down and apply a nice thick layer of cream before taking the razor to my face, which helps with the results, and taking it a little slower and being more careful than with carts helps with any single-blade, my hair's gone with no nicks or cuts, but then I also shave every day as required by my job, and I haven't gotten to try it with a two-day yet. All good for one-day-old growth though.

My shaving habits are: Shave every day before clocking in, with giving my face a rest on my off days.
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I really wet my face down and apply a nice thick layer of cream before taking the razor to my face, which helps with the results, and taking it a little slower and being more careful than with carts helps with any single-blade, my hair's gone with no nicks or cuts, but then I also shave every day as required by my job, and I haven't gotten to try it with a two-day yet. All good for one-day-old growth though.

My shaving habits are: Shave every day before clocking in, with giving my face a rest on my off days.
Bic disposables? Are you sure you get a great shave with those? How would you describe your beard growth after two days? My growth is coarse and thick after two days and I found Bic disposables to be the worst as far as causing cuts. They were really tough on the neck.
Are you really getting a BBS shave with a Bic disposable?

The trick to the results I get can be listed below.

1) Splash the face a few times to get it good and wet.
2) Apply a thick layer of cream/gel/soap to the wet face.
3) Take it slow with the razor applying as little pressure as possible, the less pressure you apply with a single-blade of any kind, the better your results will be, and the less likely your face will be to get cut up.
4) Run the razor under the spigot a few times to knock off hair and excess cream.

Basically, similar to how a safety razor would be used, I think of these things as cheap, single-use safety razors, and I will use them as such.

One more thing, hair's only starting to grow back after today's session.
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Please, make your confession...

Good prep and cream/gel/soap (get the face good and wet and apply a thick layer of cream/gel/soap, and I've had good results with Barbasol Aloe so far), and using the single-blade Bics like one would use a single-edge or double-edge safety razor (take it slower and more gentle than you would a multiblade disposable or cart razor) helps in my experience, as for their multiblade offerings, your mileage may vary.
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I was using a can of noxema shaving cream for times when I was in a serious hurry but I didn't like it so I replaced it with some barbasol and can't believe how much nicer the lather is.
I also keep proraso canned shaving cream in my gym bag and lately I've been shaving more with that than my soaps and creams. I love soap and a brush but really have no problem with the "canned goo".
Otto, how does the Proraso cream compare to the Barasol?
Otto, how does the Proraso cream compare to the Barasol?
That's a good question, haven't actually shaved with the barbasol yet. Just rubbed some on my hands to feel the lather. Right off the bat I could tell you that one of the main differences will be menthol, barbasol has none and proraso has a healthy dose. The lather on both is very dense and cushiony feeling. I will use it tonight and compare them.
Shaved with a Bump Fighter handle with Gillette Trac II cartridge using Barbasol Sensitive Skin. Got a darn good shave with no irritation.
I continue after many years to still use Barbasol in all its flavors, and consider it the best aerosol. I still use my many soaps and brush also, and enjoy the variety of using both.
That's a good question, haven't actually shaved with the barbasol yet. Just rubbed some on my hands to feel the lather. Right off the bat I could tell you that one of the main differences will be menthol, barbasol has none and proraso has a healthy dose. The lather on both is very dense and cushiony feeling. I will use it tonight and compare them.

The Arctic Chill variant is mentholated.
I continue after many years to still use Barbasol in all its flavors, and consider it the best aerosol. I still use my many soaps and brush also, and enjoy the variety of using both.

And not just the best of the foam or gel aerosols (which it is by far IMO), it's also much better than some of the widely distributed creams like Cremo Cream. If you go to Target to buy shaving supplies, IMO Barbasol is the best thing you will find on their shelves. Same goes for Walmart.

Frankly, and sadly, I have yet to get even TOBS to perform half as well for me as Barbasol does. It just offers such thick protection and cushion. The TOBS failure may be due to newbie lathering skills, but with Barbasol you will get good protection even with no experience, which is worth something.
I'm so happy that Bic sees fit to include 12 disposables in a bag. It's almost enough razors to finish a single shave! :lol:

I don't know what kind of beards you guys have that allow you to use a Bic and get a decent shave. I take two strokes and it starts skipping and tugging. For the first pass, I probably have to use three different razors. Second and third pass (if I can stand to make it that far) require one more razor per pass. That's four or five razors to get an adequate shave.

While I consider the Bic disposables to be pretty bad, they don't hold a candle to Bic's craptacular DE blades. My skin is itching just thinking about it.

While I appreciate jmason92's description of his shave prep, you've nearly described my experience with a Bic disposable. My beard is somewhat thick and feels like little wires after two days. After three days, it's turning into serious growth. I had the misfortune of using the Bic Chrome Platinum DE blade for my first wet shave after almost four decades of using Gillette cartridge razors. Imagine using the not exactly smooth Bic Chrome Platinum's while applying nearly the same pressure you would with a cartridge razor! This was my first DE shave and I hadn't quite gotten the technique down. I almost had to call a professional boxing cut man after the shave! The alcohol burn from my aftershave was especially potent that day. I needed several re-apps of the styptic pencil to close those weepers.
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