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Bar soap rotation

My new AD seems to involve bar soap. I have purchased a half dozen types and am anxious to try them. Like most, I rotate my shave creams and soaps using each as the mood strikes me. Do any of you do this with bar soaps? Do you have containers for each or several bars just sitting in your shower?
I will say that I am doing this too. Currently rotating between dove, castile bar soap, trader joes, mike's (barber shop scent), and dr bronner's peppermint. I bought some bar storage containers from the local grocery store. This trend has to stop soon and you can only use so much soap in a lifetime. And in all of those listed I actually prefer dove the most. Although, technically speaking, dove is not a soap but it does a nice job.
I have a couple different soaps in soap dishes in my shower. They are both different scents so I have a little something to choose from. That is about the extent I go to to mix things up for bath soaps. I do have quite a few still in their package, but I wait till I go through one of the two before I open a new one.
I have 3 different bars in current use. I am using Grandpa's Pine Tar soap for pre-shave face washing. Then I use a Vetiver Cedar bar for the shower. And finally, I am using up the remnants of a South of France bar for general hand washing throughout the day.
Glad I'm not the only one! I haven't really been rotating them though as I try to finish a bar before breaking out a new one. I haven't really tried one I don't like yet, but my skin prefers ones with more shea butter.
My favorite by far is Mitchell's Wool Fat Bath Soap. I really like Mike's, but the shea and kokum butter better than olive oil. I am not exactly rotating them, but I cut Mike's Rose and Cedarwood into sizes to fit my travel tin, so I could use MWF at home. I may reverse that. Being wet all the time tends.make Mike's kind of mushy. MWF is so hard you can roller skate on it.
I've been matching soaps to my other grooming products for years, and have amassed a pretty big stash of different bar soaps during that time. Most of them stay stashed, only to be brought out every now and again. My "rotation," such as it is, usually involves one or two at any given time, usually one nice one and one utilitarian one. The utilitarian one (e.g., unscented palm-oil Savon de Marseille) I use for cleaning after exercise, or general showering when greater grooming (i.e., shaving) is not part of the routine. The nicer one I use when doing my standard grooming, where shaving and aftershave are to follow. I keep two wall-mounted, suction-cup soap dishes in the shower. The utilitarian soap stays in there full time. The nicer soap is rotated out when dry, per my desire to switch it out, which could be every few days or weeks, depending. It then either goes into a ziplock bag, or back into its original packaging, and stowed back with the rest of the stash. The suction cups on the soap dishes allow me to mount them high up, out of the line of spray; I also use dishes that allow for full draining, so the soap doesn't sit there and dissolve in standing water.
I also rotate shower soaps. I let them dry on a drying rack then case them in plastic travel cases. I like having options when showering as well as shaving.
I buy off Lisa on Ebay beautifully made and excellent natural ingredients. Originally I got shave soaps but they didn't quite perform as I expected but they make a killer hand soap. Since then I get shampoo bars and other natural bar soaps from her and have one in shower and another in basin. Of course other types on stand by. So yes a 2 bar rotation and then try new frags.
I don't keep a rotation, but will vary scents based on the season. Summer time = peppermint for is cool, tingly goodness.
I use Kirks Castile soap for showering exclusively. $1.50 a bar here, I just like it. One bar last me near two weeks, and I just feel CLEAN when I use it. I don't like scented body soap, and the scent is very light, I don't even notice it, to be honest.

I picked up a bar of Flint Creek Soap company "Bay Rum" today. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it, but my bedroom smells awesome right now. $3 was hard to pass up!
Theres a bar of each of these in my shower: Ivory--Dial(white)--Dove for men--Yardley(lavender)

No particular rotation---just whatever I feel like that morning

Also have 6 different bottles of shampoo--for a different scent--all but one are the Suave clear varieties---only $1.50 per bottle at Walmart and with a buzz cut I really don't need anything special---just has to be clean
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