What are the pros and cons of the various different AS types such as balm/liquid/lotion, etc.? Which do you prefer or what is your rotation?
+1i like a splash of witch hazel followed by a balm.
As the weather heats up in the Middle East the water coming out of my "cold" tap is more like luke-warm. So to close the pores after my morning shave I've started using after shave splashes (Issey Miyake and Armani) before putting on some balm (Nivea or Clarins).
Does this make sense or should I start keeping bottles of tap water in the fridge for after the shave?
Call me stupid.....how do you apply a splash, specifically an expensive splash like Floris or Penhaligons? Do you pour a small amount in the palm of your hand and apply like a lotion or use a cotton ball like applying witch hazel? I've always shaved, rinsed and applied toner/witch hazel via cotton ball then moisturizer.
The only difference is that I'm a little less generous with the amount I pour in my hand if the product is expensive.
- Pour in hand.
- Slap on mug.
- Repeat as needed.