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bad shave tonight . . . my own fault

I knew my skin felt a bit oily and I was rushed. I had to shave and am taking the Cade challenge (one puck til it's gone).

Having read about the "cold shave" and not wanting to wait for the water to heat, I loaded the brush with cold water/Cade and lathered up with warm. Shaved with cold (41 Aristo w/Feather).

Man, lather felt dry on the face, wasn't real soothing at all. One pass is all I could muster, with cold water lather clinging to me. I am not a fan of the cold water shave.

I finished it up with Clubman Splash on the face, Lilac Vegetal on the body and finalized with a final face bath of the green menthol goodness whose name I can't remember (EDIT: Osage Rub!!)! 5 minutes later and still the heat.

So, bad cold/warm water shave, but a good face/body bath later with the ASBs.

The moral? Even a bad wet shave is a good shave with the right product.

Oh, and Cade is good stuff . . .:thumbup:
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