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Bad Reaction To RR Artisan Soaps

I ordered some RR Artisan soaps and was really excited to try them due to almost everybody giving it positive reviews. I had already tried tallow based soaps from MW, QCS and Mike's and was impressed by their performance and was expecting the same from RR. After a couples uses though, I noticed my skin would get red and a bit itchy even after applying alum, WH, & AS. At first, I thought my technique was regressing but after shaving with La Famiglia soaps, I noticed my skin stayed clear. Has anybody else had this type of reaction?


The Lather Maestro
Normally, you should not get a reaction to a whole line of soaps, it's usually a scent or two. I get mild reactions to most lavender soaps, unfortunately. But I cannot think of anything in the soap itself that would cause a reaction across the line. Which ones did you try? If you get a reaction to one soap in that line, don't automatically assume you can't use any others. While I PIF'd my Chianti Lavender, I can use the Mughetto di Bologna every day. Scent reactions are really very one-to-one things with people and particular scents. For instance I think the Chianti Lavender may be the most popular RazoRock Artisan scent, most guys love it. Won't work for me.
I tried Chianti Lavender and Mughetto di Bologna and it happened with both of them. Maybe it was their version of these scents? I used MW Lavender Lime and didn't have any type of reaction. I had a sample of Lily of the Valley but PIF'd to my brother.
When it comes to skin reaction or allergic reaction the best way other than seeing a physician is to do a quick test. Rinse your face with water then just take your finger dip into one of the RR soaps and apply it to your wet face by hand. You don't have to build a lather just rub it onto your skin like you would aftershave lotion. Let it rest and see if your face starts to have the same reaction. If within 10 min nothing has happened go ahead and rinse with water and pat dry your face. Don't do anything else to your face. Wait a couple of hours to see if you have any type of delayed reaction if you do then you can pretty much exclude that particular RR from your den. If you have no reaction at all with either of the two RR shaving soaps then it is probably something else might be the blade, brush, technique, facial soap could be number of things. You might want to have a little over the counter hydrocortisone available just in case you do have a reaction.
When it comes to skin reaction or allergic reaction the best way other than seeing a physician is to do a quick test. Rinse your face with water then just take your finger dip into one of the RR soaps and apply it to your wet face by hand. You don't have to build a lather just rub it onto your skin like you would aftershave lotion. Let it rest and see if your face starts to have the same reaction. If within 10 min nothing has happened go ahead and rinse with water and pat dry your face. Don't do anything else to your face. Wait a couple of hours to see if you have any type of delayed reaction if you do then you can pretty much exclude that particular RR from your den. If you have no reaction at all with either of the two RR shaving soaps then it is probably something else might be the blade, brush, technique, facial soap could be number of things. You might want to have a little over the counter hydrocortisone available just in case you do have a reaction.

Same thing happens to me. It's the fragrance oil that's used in the artisan line - trust me. Some people are just more sensitive to fragrance oil than others.

You should try their King Louis & 888 line. Both are even better, performance-wise, than their artisan line, and only use Essential Oils (not fragrance oils - BIG difference - essential oil = natural vs fragrance oil = artificial petroleum based, seriously). The result for me is no irritation. Also, their new La Famiglia line gives me zero irritation what-so-ever. It is spectacular!!!!

The fragrance oil issue is not limited to RazoRock by any means. Many other artisan vendors use FOs and they irritate the hell out of my skin. But it doesn't stop there: I have the same issue with the 3 Ts - all cause irritation after a while due to the FOs.
There is something in the soap base for the Artisan soaps that irritates my skin as well. I don't test on my face though, I lather some and put it on the inside of my forearm. It really bums me out, they are great soaps with fantastic scents. I should have taken a picture of what AOS Sandalwood did to my arm. Turned red with welts, my mother-in-law, a nurse, freaked out when she saw it. I take a benadryl, and rub some hydro-cortisone on when I do have a reaction.


System Generated
You should try their King Louis & 888 line. Both are even better, performance-wise, than their artisan line, and only use Essential Oils (not fragrance oils - BIG difference - essential oil = natural vs fragrance oil = artificial petroleum based, seriously). The result for me is no irritation.

agreed. the KL/888 are by far my favorite RR soaps/creams. easy to lather, great mild scent and shea butter/lanolin to leave a nice feel to my face...obviously, YMMV.
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