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Bad/defective blades?

When I first started DE shaving, not long ago, the razors I got were Mekur. I had a very rough start DE shaving. More pulling than anything. We'll following the advise of others here I bought a sampler pack, Gillette green & yellow, Red Personas, Astra & Feathers (which I haven't touched). The RP & Gillette are my favorites and my techniques has greatly improved so I thought I would try the Mekur's again. Just as rough as shave as before. I threw the remaing blades away.

My questions is could I have gotten "bad" blades? Is it more likely my face & technique just doesn't match up well with Mekurs.
It is more than likely the Merkur blades. They do not get a lot of love on B&B. I started with them, and after I had a chance to sample other blades, never went back. There are some here who swear by them, and others who swear at them. The moral of the story-keep sampling until you find what works best for you.
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