A few weeks back I posted that I started using Bic 3 blade disposables razors because my neck was getting red and irritated when I used a DE razor and that the shaves were good with the Bic. Not longer after that posting I started noticing bumps on my face that appeared to be ingrown hairs. Well I stopped using the Bic razor and gave my face a rest for three days. I then used a EJ DE89 razor with a Red Pack Personna blade and got the best shave that I can ever remember. Since then I've gone to only shaving on Sundays for church and then again on Wednesday. My job does not require me to be clean shaving everyday, so I give my face three days rest between shaves and it has really thanked me for it. I know some people can shave everyday without any problems but when I was shaving everyday or even skipping a day, the skin on my neck became irritated and it didn't look very healthy. Well it's Wednesday, so I'm off to go shave with some sweet smelling TOBS Rose shaving cream. Man that stuffs addicting!