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Back to school.

The spring semester starts today. I enjoyed the vacation while it lasted, but now it's over.

Who else is going back to school or already started back to school?

See you in the library!

Edited to add:

I know that B&B has a bunch of professors and teachers as members. How many educators are getting ready to start or have already started classes?
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My term begins today also, but I am a professor not a student. So, my first class is tomorrow to teach. Good luck with your term.
High School English teacher here; we started back on the 4th, but had 4 days off this weekend. It's tough, but someone has to do it!
My first day is the 28th. I'll be taking sociology, French II, introduction to Shakespeare and a 0 credit math course, which I am not at all pleased about, though it is my fault. After this semester, I'll have one class to take in the summer (the credited math course) and then I will be done with community college at the ripe, old age of 26. From there, it's off to a university. Hopefully NYU.

I am looking forward to going back. My school isn't very difficult and I enjoy having something to do. I don't work very much and I have hard time structuring my life when I don't have things I have to do. School gives me a good foundation for everything else. I mean that in the immediate sense.
just popping in to wish everyone luck this semester. For the first time since 1993 I am not a student this year, woo!
This will be the first semester since 2003 I won't be attending classes. I finally finished an Accounting degree at the ripe old age of 43 Good luck to all those who are returning to academia this Spring

This will be the first semester since 2003 I won't be attending classes. I finally finished an Accounting degree at the ripe old age of 43 Good luck to all those who are returning to academia this Spring


Congratulations! That is a big mile stone. Are you going to take the CPA test? I have heard its challenging.

I started going to college during the summer semester of 2007 at the ripe old age of 40. I hope to finish my degree before I turn 44.

I had my first class last Thursday. The semester is off to a pretty good start--so far, so good.

Are you a student or professor?
I'm doing my PhD, so it feels like I've been working pretty much continuously for the last two years. I don't notice the semester breaks.:001_tongu
Not back at university until the first week of March, but I'm off to a Golden Key conference in Sydney next week and after that I have to organise O week activities and undertake my mentor training. I would also like to start term 1 readings by mid February so it is going to be a busy month.

I'm a few weeks into the winter semester, which leads directly into the spring semester in early February. It sure feels great to be in a positive, learning environment, expanding my brain and all that. Good luck to fellow students and faculty alike!
I'm doing my PhD, so it feels like I've been working pretty much continuously for the last two years. I don't notice the semester breaks.:001_tongu

What are you getting your PhD in if you don't mind me asking?

I plan on getting a PhD in paleontology but I'm still a ways off as I just started school back up this semester after spending 5yrs in the navy trying to figure out what I wanted to do the rest of my life, low and behold I revert back to my childhood to find the answer. :blush::001_smile
We postponed classes so the students could go watch some football game in Pasadena, but have been back since Jan 11. I am an adjunct professor, full-time (40 hours salary, 65 actual work, ugh) administrator, and taking a full class load in my PhD work this semester.

I like to think of this as "suicide" and "doing too much." Shaving helps me destress and cope. That and good beer.

Good luck to all our students, new and 'experienced.'
Been at it for two weeks now. Glad to be back in the swing of things. I find with Spring approaching my porch time is beginning to increase... :001_smile
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