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B&B LE 2009 - Preparing for Pre-Orders

I plan to purchase....

  • 1 B&B LE in butterscotch

  • 2 or more B&B LE's in butterscotch

  • 1 B&B LE in Ebony

  • 2 or more B&B LE's in Ebony

  • 1 butterscotch 1 Ebony

Results are only viewable after voting.
So that we can figure out final pricing (based on how many we order) and what colors we can offer (either butterscotch and ebony or just butterscotch) please take the attached poll.

Thanks all!
So that we can figure out final pricing (based on how many we order) and what colors we can offer (either butterscotch and ebony or just butterscotch) please take the attached poll.

Thanks all!

Am I missing the poll?
I won't even pretend to begin to almost lie to myself about this....

If there are two, I will want one of each.

[Fingers crossed I will be able to swing that....]

I am speechless....

one of each.




When do they ship?
Wow I double doggie dared the mod team to make both....my wallet is kicking me in the behind right now....
I'll probably go with the butterscotch but there so many things unknown to me.
My main worry is the method of shipping: will it be shipped by FedEx- I'll get charged 200% of the price for handling fees. In that case I'd have to send it to someone in the US...

Could an official person at least answer what kind of shipping will it be? Or at least how was it done last year?

I'll hold my vote till then.:redface:
ooooohhhhh.....I cant wait...hope my pockebook can manage it...I have a few pennies saved. I can see it now. "Mom, I wont be home for christmas b/c I am saving that money to order a shaving brush."
ooooohhhhh.....I cant wait...hope my pockebook can manage it...I have a few pennies saved. I can see it now. "Mom, I wont be home for christmas b/c I am saving that money to order a shaving brush."


Good luck with that one, my mother would probably say something like "Figures" :lol:
+1 for butterscotch. It's kind of like whiskey-the first time you handle it, it's rough but as time goes by, it tends to grow on you.

Although butterscotch is not a color that gets my knees wobbling, there are plenty of black brushes out there so this is distinctive x2: 1 for being a B&B LE and the other for the color.
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