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B&B in Today's Washington Post.

... on the "health & science cover page (E-1) an article titled "Do more blades mean a better shave?..." Ah, the progression of razors from one blade to six.

Paragraph two begins - "But a band of contrarians gathering at such websites as Badger and Blade... claim that, for all the changes in men's razors, we've made no progress." (emphasis added) Of course, most of the quotes are from Gillette people explaining their new ways (products) are best.

And in a classic B&B YMMV fashion, the article ends.
"This may simply be an area in which you have to do your own research."

So fellow "Contrarians", enjoy your day - as members of a newsworthy organization.
Maybe this will lead to a large DC Metro membership (and contributor!) spike :thumbup:
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Yes I saw that when reading my Wash Post this morning at breakfast. I think the Wash Post may have been trying to copy the WSJ which had a similar shaving article a few days earlier.
Maybe we'll get some fresh meat around here. I keep waiting for the general public to see the cartridge racket for what it is, but I seriously doubt that will ever happen. :lol:

Anyways, I have three friends on the fence about DE shaving. All three of them love the feel and look of my EJ89, but are hesitant to take that initial plunge on the razor and brush (I've offered them blades and soap). Any publicity that I can show them is a good thing. I'm hoping that this might be a sign of the media starting to pick up on our hobby, but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I'd be more than happy to argue on belhalf of Gillette.

If the price is right.
Rudolf Diesel invented his engine in 1893, it ran on peanut oil. Over 100 years later, we're looking at biodiesel to solve problems created by another technology (the gasoline engine). Looks to me like its the same as shaving. People are coming back to something that they had previously abandonded.
I picture them meeting in a secret room every morning to discuss what we've been up to and formulate their plan to get rid of us.

They could care less about us. In terms of revenue lost from our membership, we're a number several spaces to the right of a decimal point. The next big push for them is India.
wouldn't a increase in demand for wet shaving products (more people going back to it) increase the prices of all the stuff we buy now? Will the prices of 100 Astra blades go up? Will the value of LE brushes now go up?
About 4 years ago, WaPo had an article in the style section touting the Merkur HD and wetshaving. Looks like the big advertisers won out(as usual).
I'd be more than happy to argue on belhalf of Gillette.

If the price is right.

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