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AWESOME soap storage score

I have been looking locally for the inexpensive screw top tins for my soap, and ended up in a craft store and found these little gems. They are called "lock ups" by design trends. They are plastic with screw top lids, and are stackable. The bottoms lock into the top of the lids. The store is called Jo Ann's fabrics. Got the 6oz cups for 76 cents apiece!!!

Not where I got it from, but still the price is right.

I got a cheese grater and milled a new puck of VDH delux into it, that soap is kinda soft, it gummed up the cheese grater quite a bit. Next time I am gonna try putting the puck in the freezer for a while so it cuts a bit easier. Putting the grater in the fridge beforehand might work better too. One milled puck fits with lots of room to spare, you could mill at least one more puck in it. Whole pucks fit also.

Awesome score, must say so myself!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Those look all right, pretty much what you could expect if you want to store soaps!
Those look like they will work nice. I use the 4oz straight wall nalgene jars but they cost a little more. Also you don't need to great VDH it is a soap you can melt in the microwave. Check around and you'll find some threads on that!

Those look like they will work nice. I use the 4oz straight wall nalgene jars but they cost a little more. Also you don't need to great VDH it is a soap you can melt in the microwave. Check around and you'll find some threads on that!


What he said. Just zap into into the microwave for 5 second intervals and it will melt real easy.
The thing about those cups is they are not micro safe. I was able to melt the VDH putting the cup in hot water and going slow, but the melting point of VDH and the cup itself is real close. I deformed a cup in the hot water trying to melt some Williams and mix in some kiss my face just to see what its like. After I deformed the cup and the Williams did not melt I ended up grating the Williams and mixing the KMF in with a spoon, and then pressing the mix into the cup. Not perfect, but for the price I can live with it. I could always work whatever I am doing up in another bowl and pour it in after with the bowl sitting in cold water so the soap sets up before it deforms the plastic.

Gimme a sec on those pics, I have to get out the USB cord...

With Williams puck for size reference

With melted VDH

I use these:


which come with a snap-on lid. These have the advantage of having nearly verticl sides so there's little space for moisture to escape into; and with use the soap will swell up a little to fill the remaining space. They don't twist and lock like the ones in this thread, though.
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