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Avon Wild Country Aftershave Balm

I like to use aftershave "splash" and a balm after that just to keep the skin a little softer after all that shaving. I generally use Clubman as the splash and for the balm it's usually from The Shaving Company.

However, locally that hasn't been available lately and it's expensive to order online as the shipping is as much as the product. I decided to try Avon's Wild Country balm. I got three 3.5 oz (I think) tubes from ebay for less than $11 total including shipping.

Like the Shaving Company balm it's lightly scented. I like the SC balm a little better but this Avon WC balm is nice as well and is a very good deal for the price. I don't think I'll be ordering Wild Country splash as I'm happy with the Clubman but the balm is good.

I've seen a lot of people mentioning Nivea balm and I tried some of that in the drugstore but didn't really care for it.

If someone is looking for inexpensive balm you might want to give Avon Wild Country a try.
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On ebay the place that I ordered from had a shipping fee of $2 for 1 but it was only at additional $1 for each additional tube. The tube price was very low (something like $2) so the combination of low price and reduced shipping made it very attractive.
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