I was just perusing the Safety razor maintenance § of the wiki - http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Safety_razor_maintenance -
and I noticed Simple Green listed as one of the cleaners we can use. I *love* Simple Green and use it to clean everything from my laundry to my kitchen floor tiles to my A/C compressor.
However, I have always read that Simple Green will gradually strip chrome. In fact, I think I read that at the product's own website or on a warning label on the product itself. Because I've always heeded this warning, I don't know if it's an issue. I have an Edwin Jagger DE86 (the one with a faux ebony handle) which I like to keep gleaming, but which has never been cleaned with anything but soap or Purpose facial cleanser. Does anyone have any experience with this?
and I noticed Simple Green listed as one of the cleaners we can use. I *love* Simple Green and use it to clean everything from my laundry to my kitchen floor tiles to my A/C compressor.
However, I have always read that Simple Green will gradually strip chrome. In fact, I think I read that at the product's own website or on a warning label on the product itself. Because I've always heeded this warning, I don't know if it's an issue. I have an Edwin Jagger DE86 (the one with a faux ebony handle) which I like to keep gleaming, but which has never been cleaned with anything but soap or Purpose facial cleanser. Does anyone have any experience with this?