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Avoid Simple Green on Chrome-plated Razors?

I was just perusing the Safety razor maintenance § of the wiki - http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Safety_razor_maintenance -
and I noticed Simple Green listed as one of the cleaners we can use. I *love* Simple Green and use it to clean everything from my laundry to my kitchen floor tiles to my A/C compressor.

However, I have always read that Simple Green will gradually strip chrome. In fact, I think I read that at the product's own website or on a warning label on the product itself. Because I've always heeded this warning, I don't know if it's an issue. I have an Edwin Jagger DE86 (the one with a faux ebony handle) which I like to keep gleaming, but which has never been cleaned with anything but soap or Purpose facial cleanser. Does anyone have any experience with this?
A google search turns up people in other hobbies using soaks in undiluted simple green to strip chrome-plated items. I expect it is fine when used appropriately: diluted a bit, and not left to sit for hours. But folks have a tendency to take things to extremes, so I will add a note to that effect in the wiki.

That is one reason why I like the simplicity of a soak in hot water and dishsoap: I can leave it overnight without worrying about exposure to anything that might cause damage.
Thank you both.
The Simple Green site has a pdf for dilution ratios for cleaning various items.
If I ever put my razor head in a bowl of this fine stuff, I will dilute heavily.
I used to use it for lots of things but now avoid it entirely. Too many stories of people destroying the finish on motorcycle parts. Mostly paint and aluminum but why chance it.



The Lather Maestro
Thanks for setting me straight! I went to the website and some auto sites which indicated it was safe for chrome. I deleted my post.

If it CAN strip chrome, don't use it, diluted or otherwise. I ruined a minty Gillette slim adjustable with vinegar before learning this lesson.

Why are we always searching for "better" ways to clean razors? Just use alcohol, dishsoap and an old toothbrush. Known harmless and works very well.

My lesson learned ... The original eBay photo is long gone, but it was mint. Here is the after ...

Simple Green seems a bit heavy-handed for a current production razor like an EJ.it most likely does not have years of gunk caked on it.

If you really want to give it the all-over-nooks-and-crannies treatment, try Scrubbing Bubbles - the kind with no bleach. That will remove any residue and sanitize, too.
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