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Avacado Oil and Eucalyptus Oil Recipes

I picked up 2 oz bottle of avacado oil and 2 oz of eucalyptus oil from the drug store bc it was on sale I was wondering if you guys knew any recipes as far as shaving products go.

I've never mixed any products before, so this would be my first time. I also have a bottle of witch hazel, baby oil, liquid glycerin, various after shaves and soaps. I was basically trying to make something new and mix it in.

Thanks BB
I have only blended and used oils as a pre-shave and shave oil.

I'm unfamiliar with the consistency of these oils, but if they are thin, you can try to mix both of those in equal parts with Olive Oil and try it as a shave oil.

Or, just put a 2 drops of each on your soap or in your lather before applying with the brush.

Blended or plain oils also work well as an aftershave, but I suppose you could try to mix some oil with the Witch Hazel and see if that is a soothing aftershave.

I've never tried it, nor seen anybody suggest this - but maybe you could even grind up an Alum block and mix it in oil to have a soothing and blood staunching aftershave?
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