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AV Ice Sport vs Nivea Energy vs Gillette Cool Wave vs Adidas Dynamic Pulse

Which (modern scent) AS splash?

  • Aqua Velva Ice Sport

  • Nivea Energy Splash

  • Gillette Cool Wave

  • Adidas Dynamic Pulse

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So the title says it.

Out of the 4 above (modern smelling) AS splashes. Which would you consider the best overall in terms of scent and ingredients (skin healing/soothing). (pls note i prefer a scent that fades within an hour at most since i always layer a cologne on top)

I recieved my first bottle of AV Ice Sport on friday and really like it. I mix it with Thayers unscented and its been working really well these past 2 shaves. I have not tried the others. I chose them for the poll because i have smelled all of them (in the stores) and they all have a modern fresh scent that fades fast.

Im pretty happy with my Ice Sport but i always like to know what others might be out there.

Ice Sport smells great, so does dynamic pulse and any of the other adidas aftershaves. Gillette Cool Wave smells really nice, but its a huge blast of moss, which some may associate with the 80's. However, I find that the Adidas and especially the Gillette cool wave aftershaves have pretty decent staying power, so probably not something you want.

I've been spreading the bay rum love lately, so this post shouldn't be any different. Dominica Bay Rum with Lime smells great, fades fast and leaves behind a nice fresh lime/tropics scent. It will probably be pretty much undetectable within the hour, and very very subtle after 20-30 minutes. You don't have to worry about clashing with colognes at all. I add some glycerin to mine to add some moisturizing, and it makes for a nice splash. I have dry skin though, and almost always follow up with an aftershave balm.

If you can find it, I hear Lucido is a nice virtually unscented aftershave. Contains menthol (if thats your thing) and glycerin, so nice for your skin. Never tried it though, as I don't get along with menthol, but since you like AV, you would probably have no problem with it.

Haven't tried the Nivea, can't comment.
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I bought a bottle of Nivea Splash while vacationing in North Carolina and it worked well as a healing after shave. It has a real modern "aquatic" fragrance that lasted awhile on my person. It comes with an ingredient called Taurine which I guess helps skin retain moisture. It was my "beach" aftershave. My younger female relatives commented positively on the smell. It appealed to their untrained olfactory.:sneaky2:
Subscribed. I quite fancy picking up a cheap Nivea or Adidas AS but wasn't sure which of the eleventy thousand varieties to choose.
I looked at the ingredients for AV Ice Sport and Nivea Energy. The AV has alcohol as the first ingredient whilst the Nivea has water as first ingredient. Does that mean the nivea has less "bite"?

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The Instigator
Hate to bump an ancient thread, but just picked up Adidas Dynamic Pulse. While I like it, I swear it smells like/reminds of Gillette Cool Wave. Google brought this one up ... I'll have to put them side-by-side later. They are olfactory neighbors for sure. Be curious if anyone else thinks this.

re: the (closed) poll, I'd take AV Classic Blue any day over the Ice Sport. Something about the Ice Sport; has that "fresh" thing that gives me a minor headache.

But the Adidas Dynamic Pulse is generally well-received; think I agree.

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The Instigator
I use them both. I like the Gillette the best and find them distinctively different.

Interesting! I found them almost identical; the Adidas certainly has more hydrogenated castor oil, for it sticks to your face longer than the Gillette ... which is good for moisturizing and has the benefit of making the scent last. I'd say it's the longest-lasting AS I've tried.

Hm, should add some castor oil to my Lime Sec and see what happens.

In terms of strength, I'd rate the three I've used:

1) Coolwave - an updated classic with opening notes of citrus and pine, but the moss and vetiver are what carry it; lasts all day, has decent projection, and that moss scent keeps it from being overpowering

2) Aqua Velva - a classic, sweet/spicy/powdery scent, decent menthol blast, pretty strong scent when first applied but dies down quickly and stays close to the skin

3) Nivea Energy - the signature "Nivea" scent (chamomile?) but with a little sandalwood, very nice but subtle, lasts a few hours and stays close to skin

I use all three regularly.
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