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Australian delight

my first time shaving with a medical "for hospital use" personna blade and first time with australia's palmolive shave cream...the palmolive came out of the spout nice and thick,as thick as trumpers,,,and what a lovely sherbet lime green color ! the scent is mennen all the way,just like the deodorant,and luc tells me that is this creams former name..the scent is.however,much lighter than what mennen products had in the 1960's..the british rocket loaded with the medical blade just dissolved the whiskers,,,soooo smooooth,and watch out ! the smoothness can fool you..these are very very sharp blades...the lather was nice and moist,,great glide and no pulling,the usual dollop left the vie-long horse still with plenty of lather after the shave was finished...ackvil says he gets 6 shaves from the blades I got from him,I have 7 razors so I will use all 7 with this one blade,even if I get 6 good shaves though,I will be very satisfied and impressed ! topped it off with a jolt of russian tabak,the best aftershave I have encountered from russia...a good shave with a great american made blade and australian made cream...
my first time shaving with a medical "for hospital use" personna blade and first time with australia's palmolive shave cream...the palmolive came out of the spout nice and thick,as thick as trumpers,,,and what a lovely sherbet lime green color ! the scent is mennen all the way,just like the deodorant,and luc tells me that is this creams former name..the scent is.however,much lighter than what mennen products had in the 1960's..the british rocket loaded with the medical blade just dissolved the whiskers,,,soooo smooooth,and watch out ! the smoothness can fool you..these are very very sharp blades...the lather was nice and moist,,great glide and no pulling,the usual dollop left the vie-long horse still with plenty of lather after the shave was finished...ackvil says he gets 6 shaves from the blades I got from him,I have 7 razors so I will use all 7 with this one blade,even if I get 6 good shaves though,I will be very satisfied and impressed ! topped it off with a jolt of russian tabak,the best aftershave I have encountered from russia...a good shave with a great american made blade and australian made cream...

I started using Palmolive a couple of days ago. To me it seems to have hardly any scent at all. Not as creamy a foam as Proraso, which I'm using in rotation. At $1.65 a tube it's a bargain of course. I probably won't buy it again after this tube.

Love the Russian Tabac -- did you get that locally (i.e., Australia)?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
my first time shaving with a medical "for hospital use" personna blade and first time with australia's palmolive shave cream...the palmolive came out of the spout nice and thick,as thick as trumpers,,,and what a lovely sherbet lime green color ! the scent is mennen all the way,just like the deodorant,and luc tells me that is this creams former name..the scent is.however,much lighter than what mennen products had in the 1960's..the british rocket loaded with the medical blade just dissolved the whiskers,,,soooo smooooth,and watch out ! the smoothness can fool you..these are very very sharp blades...the lather was nice and moist,,great glide and no pulling,the usual dollop left the vie-long horse still with plenty of lather after the shave was finished...ackvil says he gets 6 shaves from the blades I got from him,I have 7 razors so I will use all 7 with this one blade,even if I get 6 good shaves though,I will be very satisfied and impressed ! topped it off with a jolt of russian tabak,the best aftershave I have encountered from russia...a good shave with a great american made blade and australian made cream...

Glad you like it. You might need to hold on the water a bit on that one but yes, Palmolive is cheaper and better than Fauldings IMO...

For the Mennen vs. Palmolive, those might give you an idea:

I started using Palmolive a couple of days ago. To me it seems to have hardly any scent at all. Not as creamy a foam as Proraso, which I'm using in rotation. At $1.65 a tube it's a bargain of course. I probably won't buy it again after this tube.

Love the Russian Tabac -- did you get that locally (i.e., Australia)?

I sent the tube to Ron as part of an exchange! Love the samples I got! :thumbup1:
I like the Mennen shave cream( the scent is nothing special). For me I get tonnes of lather when using my Omega pro 48.
Ok, so when you say it smells like Mennen... I have been using the original(Regular) Mennen Speed Stick Deodorant since about 1985. Is that the smell? I have seen people mention the sticks and wondered but I tend to be more of a cream guy. If this stuff smells like that, where can one attain such lovelyness!!! I have some of the now discontinued US Palmolive attained thru a trade but it just smells... um clean/soapy. I do like the clean smell as TBS Maca Root is a fav, but Mennen... Please Advise!!!! TIA!



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Ok, so when you say it smells like Mennen... I have been using the original(Regular) Mennen Speed Stick Deodorant since about 1985. Is that the smell? I have seen people mention the sticks and wondered but I tend to be more of a cream guy. If this stuff smells like that, where can one attain such lovelyness!!! I have some of the now discontinued US Palmolive attained thru a trade but it just smells... um clean/soapy. I do like the clean smell as TBS Maca Root is a fav, but Mennen... Please Advise!!!! TIA!


I don't know how Mennen deodorant smells like. The shaving cream (Palmolive) that Ron reviewed is some kind of soapy green scent... If that helps...
You should also try 'Fauldings' and if your into the Vegan stuff (even if you aren't), Try 'Gaia for men' shave cream. All very good products, especially the Gaia.

I started using Palmolive a couple of days ago. To me it seems to have hardly any scent at all. Not as creamy a foam as Proraso, which I'm using in rotation. At $1.65 a tube it's a bargain of course. I probably won't buy it again after this tube.

Love the Russian Tabac -- did you get that locally (i.e., Australia)?

yes...the palmolive scent is very light,great color tho' ! the russian tabak came from americas only source of russian a/s , cosmeticbag.com
Glad you like it. You might need to hold on the water a bit on that one but yes, Palmolive is cheaper and better than Fauldings IMO...

For the Mennen vs. Palmolive, those might give you an idea:

I sent the tube to Ron as part of an exchange! Love the samples I got! :thumbup1:

yes...there is a lot of moisture in the palmolive..everyone comments on the scent being too light,it is true,but the scent that is there is certainly that classic "mennen" products scent...thanks for the tubes luc !!
Ok, so when you say it smells like Mennen... I have been using the original(Regular) Mennen Speed Stick Deodorant since about 1985. Is that the smell? I have seen people mention the sticks and wondered but I tend to be more of a cream guy. If this stuff smells like that, where can one attain such lovelyness!!! I have some of the now discontinued US Palmolive attained thru a trade but it just smells... um clean/soapy. I do like the clean smell as TBS Maca Root is a fav, but Mennen... Please Advise!!!! TIA!


jay...the european and indian palmolive do not smell like mennen deodorant,the australian cream does for sure,although it is a very light scent...the cream and deodorant scent was much stronger when I first started using them in the early 1960's..for sure in the early 70's the formula changed when the government forbade the use of hexachorophene in cosmetics after a baby died from absorbtion of this chemical in baby powder...it was very effective in deodorant however
Interesting, my Palmolive comes from India (Lemon Mist) and is great. And, my latest on the medical Personnas is up to 8 shaves - but I pushed it and will keep it at 7.
Interesting, my Palmolive comes from India (Lemon Mist) and is great. And, my latest on the medical Personnas is up to 8 shaves - but I pushed it and will keep it at 7.

india makes great shave creams.and if you are willing to order an assorted dozen,even with the shipping you are still saving money and getting great shaving goods,and I think india has the biggest selection of palmolive creams that I know of,I do not think they sell palmolive pucks,although they have several other brands
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