my first time shaving with a medical "for hospital use" personna blade and first time with australia's palmolive shave cream...the palmolive came out of the spout nice and thick,as thick as trumpers,,,and what a lovely sherbet lime green color ! the scent is mennen all the way,just like the deodorant,and luc tells me that is this creams former name..the scent is.however,much lighter than what mennen products had in the 1960's..the british rocket loaded with the medical blade just dissolved the whiskers,,,soooo smooooth,and watch out ! the smoothness can fool you..these are very very sharp blades...the lather was nice and moist,,great glide and no pulling,the usual dollop left the vie-long horse still with plenty of lather after the shave was finished...ackvil says he gets 6 shaves from the blades I got from him,I have 7 razors so I will use all 7 with this one blade,even if I get 6 good shaves though,I will be very satisfied and impressed ! topped it off with a jolt of russian tabak,the best aftershave I have encountered from russia...a good shave with a great american made blade and australian made cream...