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August is straight razor month!

Inspired by Defend Tacoma's achievements I've decided to only use straight razors this month. So far I've been alternating between DE and straights but I want to work on improving my technique. I think the only way to get there is by going in at the deep end!

Today is the second day on the trot I've used a straight razor (and the first time I've shaved two days consecutively with a straight). I saw a tip on another forum to envisage the blade's angle as being the equivalent of about two spine widths. This would put the blade much flatter to my face than I had previously experienced. So I tried that and had a much closer shave with a straight than I had previously experienced.

Not quite as good as my best DE shave but a best shave yet with a straight and one I was pleased with - certainly one that I would have been exceptionally pleased with when I was using carts!

Today's setup was Proraso Pre Shave, twenty passes on the linen strop and sixty on the leather, Trumpers Rose Shaving Soap. The razor was a generic Solingen with black scales bought at a local knife shop (there's a definite lack of specialist shaving suppliers here in Auckland!). First up it wasn't too great but after passing it over a Naniwa 10K it came right!
Too cool! Though the road may be a bit windy, at the end of the month your skills will be "honed" considerably. I'm pleased I could serve as an inspiration, I hope you have a great month on the straights. For me it wasn't easy giving up the sweet BBS shaves of the DE's, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Be sure to keep us up on your progress.
That's the spirit!

By September, you'll certainly have gained a lot of sharp skills!
Good luck!
Indeed! After my self imposed month, I'm a straight user for the forseeable future! :thumbup:

Or indefinitely :thumbup:. Go str8 or bust, heh?

Although the past few days, I have had the urge to dust off my old DE HD and slant and take them for a spin (if I remember how to load the blade on them :lol:)...I do miss them, you know?



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Good work, please keep the journal!!
Good move. One piece of advise though, if you're sleep deprived or hung over or suffering from something else that might cause you to not be 100% with it and concentrating sufficiently, please reach for the DE. I've been shaving with a straight for quite a few weeks now but on the odd occassion I'll reach for a DE.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Good move. One piece of advise though, if you're sleep deprived or hung over or suffering from something else that might cause you to not be 100% with it and concentrating sufficiently, please reach for the DE. I've been shaving with a straight for quite a few weeks now but on the odd occassion I'll reach for a DE.

:lol: I don't have that choice anymore, straight all the way now! But yes, don't force it!
I saw a tip on another forum to envisage the blade's angle as being the equivalent of about two spine widths. This would put the blade much flatter to my face than I had previously experienced. So I tried that and had a much closer shave with a straight than I had previously experienced.

still relatively new to this myself i found this was one of my epiphanies that really got me rolling. hope you get along as well and come to enjoy it as much as i have.

I have been shaving pieces of my face everyday with my new straight to get practice and confidence. Today I finally did a complete pass with my straight razor.
First of all Gentlemen thank you for your words of advice and encouragement.

Day 3:

Today I used my 'Clean Cutter' by W H Morley & Sons of Germany. With Rosewood scales this was the first straight I purchased on BST and it came shave ready (this set the bar for yesterday's blade). This razor has been something of a bete-noir for me. She always seemed to bite me and I couldn't get a good shave from her. She was my cresta run, my nurburgring, but I kept coming back to her - I'm sure it's not a good sign when one starts personalising one's razors!

So to the shave. I showered, usual use of KoS face scrub then to the sink. I decided to try the Proraso pre shave before anything else. As I say in another post, I don't know why it works but it does and I'm superstitiously attached to it now. So whilst my face was tingling to the menthol and eucalyptus I started to strop the blade - 20 passes on the linen, 60 on the leather. I made up the lather from SMN Crema da Barba soap and proceeded to lather up the face. Billy Joel was playing in the background (a CD, I understand he had other engagements) and a 6 month kitten was charging around checking in on me from time to time. I then commenced the shave. Today my angle was much flatter than previously with this blade, also I had the mental image of harvesting the stubble. I made two major passes and some local touch ups. A very good result, one or two weepers which ceased quite quickly and a face which passes all but the most exacting of standards - in other words the 95% of the male population using carts would be overjoyed to look like this. Of the 5% who use DEs and Straights I think most would be pleased. Early days but I feel there's a good foundation being laid here. Even more importantly; the Clean Cutter holds no more fears for me, like my other two straights I respect her but I no longer reach out for her with trembling hand and resolute jaw!

I'm sticking to the Proraso before all else, previously I stropped the blade then showered - the Proraso went on just before the shave.

I also used to wonder how men managed to do 80 passes or more on their strop, now I wonder that I did any less!
Today I used my Dovo Best Quality with blond scales. I purchased this shave ready from Steve at The Invisible Edge. I am very pleased with this razor and other purchases I've made from Steve. I've also found him really helpful.

So ...

prep as before: shower, proraso pre shave, strop with 20 passes linen 60 passes leather, whisk up some lather from Trumpers Rose soap.

The shave was still good. There's one spot on the corner of my chin were whiskers grow in all directions and it's quite a challenge to shave. I manage but normally end up with a few weepers every day.

In some areas the shave could be better but I have an end result which I'm pleased with and which exceeds my results with cartridges. Admittedly it's not the quickest of processes but I've got nothing but time so that's not an issue. All told, from walking into the bathroom to walking out takes about 40 minutes.

Finished with Thayers Witch Hazel with Rose, Proraso pre shave and some Trumpers Eau de Cologne
Way to go! You are absolutely onto the best way to truly pick up straight razor shaving. My turning points came when I put down my DEs and for 5 months or so just used a straight. I finally got to the point where my straight shaves were equalling my DE ones.

You'll be amazed at how much your shave improves during the next month.
Today I used the generic Solingen with black scales, proraso pre whilst stropping 20/60 linen/leather, proraso shave cream.

A better shave today. Every day sees minor improvements and I feel more confident with the whole process as each shave passes.

Learnt a new trick with Thayers witch hazel. Previously I've been soaking a cotton wool ball and wiping my face. Today I put some drops in the palm of my hand, rubbed my hands together and applied like aftershave. I wonder why I never thought of that before?

Ah well friends around to dinner tonight so afternoon spent in the kitchen (great opportunity to use my new chef knife!)

Enjoy your weekend gentlemen.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Excellent work! Patience is required with a straight, you are doing well!
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