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ATT Titan H1 or Sabi T1

I really like my Muhle R41. I use it quite a bit and have even gone a week or two using it daily. I'm now looking for something that is close to the aggressiveness of the R41 but maybe a little smoother. I've heard great things about both of these razors and am looking for some input on which one would better meet my needs. For our purposes lets pretend price isn't an issue. Ready, set, discuss!
I don't know which R41 (2011 or 2013) you have, but from my experience with the Titan H1, it is not smooth. The new 2013 R41 is smoother than the Titan H1. The H1 has significant blade exposure, and it left my face feeling very raw. The Sabi T1 is not very aggressive. Also, the head of the razor is flimsy. It feels like a piece of crap, honestly.
FWIW I'd really like a Cobra Classic. They are very hard to find nowadays though. If you happen to know someone who wants to get rid of one...
I have the Titan H1 and the R1 base plate. In my opinion the H1 is aggressive and takes a little time to get use to. However, between the R1 and H1 base plates I tend to lean towards the H1 because I have a course beard and find when I pay attention I get a great shave with it. It took a little time to find the right blade combination for me with the H1. I personally like the Personna Reds in it. It is a very well made quality razor, which it should be for the price. I can't compare it to the R41 or Sabi T1 because I have not tried them. Aside from the quality of the Titan H1 another nice feature is you can get the M1, R1, and H1 base plates which allows you to have a stainless steel razor that can go from mild to aggressive. If you want an aggressive standard bar stainless steel razor I think the Titan H1 is the way to go. That is why I went with it. There are a lot of nice stainless steel razors out there and I've tried a few and none of them were as aggressive as the Titan H1. Good luck with your decision.
FWIW I'd really like a Cobra Classic. They are very hard to find nowadays though. If you happen to know someone who wants to get rid of one...

Cobra is one of the nicest shaving razors I own. I would put it into the top 2 since I could never say which one I like the best. Far outpaces the three you are considering.

The Cobra pass around is still on. Did you get in on that? IF not you should before you go out and spend the $$$ on one.

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Cobra shaves nicely. I didn't like the handle so much
And didn't like how it wouldn't fit into my razor holder.

I sold it but it did shave nicely.
Cobra shaves nicely. I didn't like the handle so much
And didn't like how it wouldn't fit into my razor holder.

I sold it but it did shave nicely.

If it did not give such a fantastic shave for me I would have let mine go long ago because of the awkward handle too.

It just shaves so well for me that I can fight with the handle to get such a fine shave every time from it.

There is something about those disposable straight razor blades that seem to out shine DE, SE, and even the best injector razor I have, though the PAL adjustable I have is close.... very close.... close but no cigar. I think I have a "magic" PAL injector though.
I never tried the T1 but i imagine its quality cant be anywhere near the Titan H-1 All Solid High Grade Stainless Steel, Machined Shaving Instrument :eek:) "You Know I'm A Fan" Because its all i use 97% of the time. Once in a Blue moon i will switch to a 1914 Ever Ready SE or a Gem 1912 Which Shave Fantastic as well :eek:)

Just Recently i got my hands on a cobra and thats another fantastic shaver. So things may change a bit. Titan will get 75% usage and Cobra 25% and once in a blue moon an SE shave :eek:)

So my vote goes to The Titan H-1 or if you want to try a Modern SE injector type hybrid Razor go for the Cobra its Venom is Sweet :eek:)
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I just received a Sabi T1 earlier this week. This is a mondo-handle-lovers razor: big, brash, bold, beautiful, fat, heavy, long, and a handful of serious, deliciously knurled meister-tool.

Oh, and it comes with a head, too. The head seems closely inspired by the Merkur, with just enough more blade exposure to be more efficient and provide a clearer sense of blade on the face, which I find to offer a smoother, more aware and better controlled shave. The issue with the head is that the post-cast finishing of the four corners of the safety bars is inconsistent. Some are polished enough to be smoothly rounded, others aren't, leaving them pointy enough to feel like they're sticking and scratching the skin, enough to be annoying while leaving no marks. If you buy one, make sure to ask Joe@Shaveabuck to double check those corners before mailing. Other than that, the quality of the head is good - not as precisely polished and as smooth on the ends as the Merkur, but providing a better shave, in my opinion.

The Sabi T1 makes me ready to sell my Merkur 180 -- but not my Cadet, which is still my favorite razor head (and the only OC I've yet tried). I got it based on the reviews here, which described it as being a 70-75% on the aggressiveness scale, if the R41 is 90, and Gillette New perhaps a 40 or 50. Very nicely designed and produced, providing my closest and most comfortable shaves yet, it instantly became my favorite, go to razor.

All that Cadet head needed to be perfect was the Sabi T1 handle! Together they're visually stunning, high performance, high comfort, and tremendously satisfying. And very cost-effective. I am very price sensitive, so this is my poor-man's deluxe razor at a fraction of the cost of the up-market brands such as Ikon Bulldog, Titan, Weber, etc. I wonder whether this is Shaveabuck's sales strategy: sell the excellent Cadet head separately from its ideal mate, the Sabi handle, so you need to buy both to have the killer combo.

Having discovered I'm a blade on the face lover, and seem to prefer OCs and the Futur, I'm already pursuing the next logical steps: I'm strategizing about spending some quality time this summer going out on antique safari and bagging a great deal on a diamond-in-the-rough straight razor languishing undiscovered at an estate sale or antique shop, getting it reconditioned and a cost-effective starter-kit from someone like Whipped Dog.

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