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Atlas Stainless Razor from Above the Tie

This morning I gave the go ahead for the production of the Atlas Stainless Steel Razor from Above the Tie. I want to take a moment and explain what is being offered.
First of all the heads for both the Atlas and the Titan will look identical. The difference is in the base plate which controls the blade gap. The H1 head is the most aggressive configuration. The next will be the R1 which provides a regular less aggressive shave and finally is the M1 head which is the mildest shave. All three heads give a smooth "efficient" shave and be of the same excellent quality as the Titan. I have been using the M1 for about a month with excellent results.
For your pleasure there will be six possible razor combinations; a Titan fitted with a H1, R1 or M1 head. Or the Atlas with the same head options. Your razor can have the Titan handle or the new Atlas handle with it's spiral barber pole style grip. The Atlas handle is 1/2 inch shorter and thus slightly lighter. Photos will be coming soon, it will remind you of a Gillette Bulldog handle.
We are excited about the continued success of the Titan and now we are just as excited with the Atlas. With the pick of three heads and two handles you can build the razor that is best for you.
The Atlas and the ordering optiums it creates will be available on our web site in about two to three weeks. Just in time for Christmas. = )
Wow! My AD is going into overdrive - all the potential options! :drool:.

Any thoughts on OC or Slant options in the future?
Oh no, looks like the old pocketbook's about to take another hit. But 'tis the season, I suppose...
Apologies if this was already addressed in one of the other threads, but will the new heads be available separately for those of us who already purchased the H1?
The H1 is such a fantastic razor best I ever used so the Atlas is a no brainier I'm in for one for sure!
Thank you for considering those of us that prefer a milder shave. I know aggressive heads have been en vogue of late but it's nice to have more options among the glut of new DE razors.
Here is a photo of the Atlas prototype next to a working model of the Titan taken at the shop.


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So the difference between the Atlas and Titan will be the different handle? Do I have that right?

here is the other most important part of the descrition that you did not copy or highlight , this will answer your question.

The difference is in the base plate which controls the blade gap. The H1 head is the most aggressive configuration
here is the other most important part of the descrition that you did not copy or highlight , this will answer your question.

The difference is in the base plate which controls the blade gap. The H1 head is the most aggressive configuration

"a Titan fitted with a H1, R1 or M1 head. Or the Atlas with the same head options"

Not exactly. The Titan and Atlas have the same head options so that means the difference is the handle.
"a Titan fitted with a H1, R1 or M1 head. Or the Atlas with the same head options"

Not exactly. The Titan and Atlas have the same head options so that means the difference is the handle.

They are different design razors. If you reconfigure them then they can become identical. But the Atlas has a different base plate, hence difrent razor.
They are different design razors. If you reconfigure them then they can become identical. But the Atlas has a different base plate, hence difrent razor.

The base plate differences are for the H, R and M configurations. I still think only difference is handle. Maybe Stan can clarify if there is any other difference to the Atlas.
There is 1 top plate: Above the Tie
There are 3 bottom plates: H1, R1, M1
There are 2 handles: Titan, Atlas

Each bottom plate (which controls the blade gap/aggressiveness) will be ordered to your desired aggressiveness (H1,R1,M1) and come with a top plate. Then you will pick your handle to go on it (Titan, Atlas).
There is 1 top plate: Above the Tie
There are 3 bottom plates: H1, R1, M1
There are 2 handles: Titan, Atlas

Each bottom plate (which controls the blade gap/aggressiveness) will be ordered to your desired aggressiveness (H1,R1,M1) and come with a top plate. Then you will pick your handle to go on it (Titan, Atlas).

I agree with that summary. Well put.
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