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ATG Pain. Suggestions please!

The very few times I went for the ATG pass (try this quite rarely), I have ended up with red bumps and pain. Even touching my face would be painful.

I thought about giving this pass an extended run this time to see if my skin gets used to it or not. Two days in a row and same result - red spots and pain! ouch! :crying:

So my question to those who might have experienced this, does this become better as you keep at it or for some people ATG just does not work?
Would like some input so I can evaluate if it is worthwhile to persist with this pain or just give up.

(Wanted to add that the ATG pass gives me super close shaves that my 2-pass WTG cannot match.)
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I very occasionally go ATG (although I don't experience any discomfort) it's just that I am satisfied with a WTG and XTG shave (sometimes I'll do 2 XTG passes) it may get better over time, although perhaps someone else will chime in who had a similar experience, but in my mind I want shaving to be a pleasurable experience and if you can get a good shave and avoid irritating passes or products, then I say stick with what works well. The ATG pass is not obligatory :)
Well, for me, and I am a NEWB to DE. I have been going ATG after 1xWTG/1xXTG with no issues at all. But it may be unfair for me to use as an example because for the last 16 years, I have used multi-blade carts, and ONLY shaven ATG with them regardless of growth or frequency which was usually no longer than 2 day growth. I didn't know to ever go WTG or XTG, no one ever taught me properly so I just did as I thought was correct. 15 yrs of ATG only shaving with carts. LOL. So you can understand why after 1 month of DE newbness I have completely tossed my carts and goo in the trash.

With DE ATG for me I don't seem to get much irritation (but it is there) but if I was to stop at WTG/XTG only I wouldn't be BBS at all but would be completely irritation free. Maybe my skin is just used to getting ATG alot and it just had a tolerance. ?
It is possible that we need to go back to basics though.

1. Good prep
2. Good lather
3. Good technique

Because I can tell you that before I figured out those 3 first. I got irritation like mad and cuts and nicks and weepers a plenty even going WTG only. I wanted to throw that DE against my mirror only have way through my 1st frickin pass. So maybe with your ATG pass, you should overdo these 3 steps.
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It is possible that we need to go back to basics though.

1. Good prep
2. Good lather
3. Good technique

Because I can tell you that before I figured out those 3 first. I got irritation like mad and cuts and nicks and weepers a plenty even going WTG only. I wanted to throw that DE against my mirror only have way through my 1st frickin pass. So maybe with your ATG pass, you should overdo these 3 steps.

Merk, I have been thinking about my technique as well. I think (or like to think) I have a decent technique but you only know what you know. :001_tongu. Definitely something to keep in mind. My WTG passes are super smooth though!
What Merk said. I only go xtg every other day. Good lather and quality blade are a must. Just because the blade doesn't tug wtg doesn't mean its sharp enough for atg. Go slow. change one thing at a time to ensure the single change prvides a good result.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Your stubble needs to be as close to the skin as possible before your ATG pass. This means a good WTG and XTG pass to reduce the stubble. On the ATG pass the blade can slide down the hair shaft and into the skin before lopping off the hair. Very short stubble helps to mitigate that. YMMV
If you're experiencing pain and skin issues when you go ATG, try dialing it down to something slightly more conservative. A three pass shave -- WTG, XTG, opposite direction XTG -- should get you plenty close. You can also try a hybrid XTG-ATG angle (i.e., short of a true ATG) on the last pass and see what that does for you.
The key for me was to J-hook my XTG pass, this removes much more of my stubble than just a straight XTG. Very little left for the ATG pass.
...(Wanted to add that the ATG pass gives me super close shaves that my 2-pass WTG cannot match.)
If I understand correctly you added a third pass and as a result of this extra pass you ended up with discomfort.

How do you know it is the ATG technique that is causing discomfort and not the mere fact that you added another pass? In other words, did you try a, let's say XTG as the third pass and you were fine? Now that you know two WTG passes and one XTG pass gives you a nice and comfortable shave you try an ATG as the third pass and end up in pain. In that case I would also blame the ATG technique.
I am not sure I made myself clear.

Time heals everything. Shave every other day for a couple of weeks and see what happens. ATG or not.
If its painful, don't push the envelope and just omit the ATG passes in those tough areas. I used to feel the need to go ATG all over in hopes of getting that 'perfect' shave, but I'm much more happy just having a couple small areas with the tiniest amount of stubble that nobody can see and I can barely notice, and not having to worry about discomfort or red bumps.


B&B's Man in Italy
Sir, some men with sensitive skin simpy cannot stand ATG passes. My suggestion is to go WTG and XTG, avoiding any ATG pass or touch-up. Remember: a healty, good looking face is what you are looking for.
I never really liked the ATG pass (I only do it when I want to have a really close shave, e.g. when I know I cannot shave the next two days).

What works for me (if I want to do three passes, often I do just two), is doing a WTG pass, a XTG pass, and a RXTG pass (XTG in the other direction). It is more gentle than an ATG pass, and very effective.

ATG gives me a very close shave indeed, but also some skin irritation.
For me, ATG hurts. No matter what the prep or blade, going against the wiry little suckers is a deeply unpleasant experience so I stopped doing it. For me WTG + XTG is the way to go, with an additional XTG in the opposite direction if I want really smooth.

I can't get a true BBS, but I'd much rather have a comfortable face, and in all honesty the only person who'd know the difference is me.
Your stubble needs to be as close to the skin as possible before your ATG pass. This means a good WTG and XTG pass to reduce the stubble. On the ATG pass the blade can slide down the hair shaft and into the skin before lopping off the hair. Very short stubble helps to mitigate that. YMMV

To get very short stubble, I add a 'modified' ATG lightly (not a direct ATG, with angle between XTG and ATG). I always find the ATG really smooth once I get it very short.

At the same time, I've come across too often that some people's skin just can't take ATG at all...
I agree with many that you may want to drop the ATG all together. However hear are some tips that work for me

Good prep = hydrate face and beard. I take a shower first and be sure to wet/wash my face first and keep it wet.
Good lather maybe even run it a little thin. This seems to make the lather a little more slick. I also keep lathering up for a good amount of time to hydrate the skin and hair
Good angle and a light touch.
I do the ATG after a WTG and XTG pass.

I agree with what Marco said. You want to have nice looking skin not a smooth shave with red bumps

Hope this helps
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