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Atelier Durdan Fan Club

Just as I had hoped, the + plate feels like the sweet spot for me with the La Faulx. The classic with a Feather Pro Super was great, but I have found those blades to be more inconsistent than any other AC or DE blades I have tried, with several rough shaves in different razors. The + plate with a Kai Captain Titan Mild is smoooooth, with all the efficiency I need. Bravo!

N.7, thin lightweight head, flat-ish blade, solid edge clamping, plate options and esthetics. It's giving me a good vibe, like a great looking offspring from a Lupo, WR1 and Salient.
I agree, the N7 looks really nice? Is there an N9? Don't see it on the web page.
I agree, the N7 looks really nice? Is there an N9? Don't see it on the web page.

For DE, I'm only aware of the Le Maurice and the No.7 but I'm not the most well-versed on Atelier Durdan.
I just stumbled in here a couple days back.

I think @avrora referred to his N.7 as a No. 9 in a previous post but I think that was a keyboard slip or he had a Beatles song on his mind.
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For DE, I'm only aware of the Le Maurice and the No.7 but I'm not the most well-versed on Atelier Durdan.
I just stumbled in here a couple days back.

I think @avrora referred to his N.7 as a No. 9 in a previous post but I think that was a keyboard slip or he had a Beatles song on his mind.
I like your thinking. I will from now blame all of my slip-ups on the Beatles, regardless of whether I find a fitting song or not.
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