I am surprised you found a B&M store in Spain selling these but yes, they are the well-regarded Astra SP blades. Usually outside of the former USSR and satellite countries the Russian Gillette brands are unavailable other than mail-order and maybe a few stores that specialize in shaving supplies. 70 Euro cents isn't really a bad price for a five pack of these blades (about a dollar US) in a B&M store IMO. 10 Euro ($12.50 or so US) for a hundred is actually a decent deal considering your location and that you would have to pay shipping if you ordered online.
Out of curiosity, what other shaving products are in that store? Obviously I am not flying to Spain to make any purchases but my curiosity is peaked.
I used to like the Astras, until I discovered the Rapira blades, then traded all the Astras off.