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Astra SPs

Are these the famous Astra SPs that I hear about?

Got a pack of 5 in Madrid for .70c. Could have got 100 for under 10.00 Euro, but didn't have a way of testing them, and didn't want to get stuck with loads I didn't want.

Turns out I love them. :)



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I am surprised you found a B&M store in Spain selling these but yes, they are the well-regarded Astra SP blades. Usually outside of the former USSR and satellite countries the Russian Gillette brands are unavailable other than mail-order and maybe a few stores that specialize in shaving supplies. 70 Euro cents isn't really a bad price for a five pack of these blades (about a dollar US) in a B&M store IMO. 10 Euro ($12.50 or so US) for a hundred is actually a decent deal considering your location and that you would have to pay shipping if you ordered online.

Out of curiosity, what other shaving products are in that store? Obviously I am not flying to Spain to make any purchases but my curiosity is peaked.
Those are the superior platinum Astra blades that I always recommend (platinum coated stainless blade)

The straight stainless ones are in a blue wrapper

I am surprised you found a B&M store in Spain selling these but yes, they are the well-regarded Astra SP blades. Usually outside of the former USSR and satellite countries the Russian Gillette brands are unavailable other than mail-order and maybe a few stores that specialize in shaving supplies. 70 Euro cents isn't really a bad price for a five pack of these blades (about a dollar US) in a B&M store IMO. 10 Euro ($12.50 or so US) for a hundred is actually a decent deal considering your location and that you would have to pay shipping if you ordered online.

Out of curiosity, what other shaving products are in that store? Obviously I am not flying to Spain to make any purchases but my curiosity is peaked.

Not got time to say much now, but it's pretty much all here:-


I'm relatively new to DE shaving, but the Astra blades work well for me - both the SP and Stainless variants. Good value and performance.
The Astra sp are fantastic blades..one of my favourites. If you have a buget, these are one of the blades you should buy.
My go to blade. A consistently good, sharp, forgiving, and durable blade in any razor I use. I only have about 150 of them. You can get them on Amazon readily for about $9/100.
I really like the Astra SPs. They have consistently (in my relatively short DE shaving career) given me at the very least a CCS. Also really liking the Gillette Silver Blues.
I tried my very first Astra SP three days ago and it worked very well but upon my second shave with it tonight, it completely crashed. It just would not cut hair. I will try another on Monday and see if it was a fluke or not and will try one in my SA just to be sure. I am hoping it was just my choice of razor.
First ever shave with an Astra SP tonight, using DE89, AoS pure badger & TOBS Jermyn St.
Very nice BBS after 3 passes. No irritation, dragging or pulling whatsoever. About the same as Personna Reds for me. In other words excellent!
Just opening my first Astra SP today to try, was a good shave! When you open the paper the blade is glued in, should i be wiping that off or just pop it in the razor?
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