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Astra questions

Anyone who uses the Astra SP as your main blade, do you have another backup blade that you like? I have been using Astra SPs for two years ( I guess only one year LOL) and it has started sort of messing up my neck a little. So I have been thinking about trying something else.
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Astra SPs are definitely my blade, but I also like the yellow Gillette 7 o-clocks which I'm finishing up from before I found the SPs. Once the yellows are gone, tho, I doubt I'll buy more except as a viable back up.
I like the Astra SP, but I kinda had the same issue you were mentioning. I switched to the Astra SS and it was a much better for me (YMMV). Also maybe get a blade sampler from one of the vendors. I think the Sharks are pretty good.
Anyone who uses the Astra SP as your main blade, do you have another backup blade that you like? I have been using Astra SPs for two years and it has started sort of messing up my neck a little. So I have been thinking about trying something else.

What, exactly, is happening to your neck?
Just a little razor burn. I have tried adjusting my technique and going back though basics a step at a time.
The Astra SP is the only blade I use and I get consistently fantastic shaves from them. If I end up with any razor burn or nicks, it's just good old user error.
There is just something about the Iridiums. Sharper than the Astras but just as smooth IMO. Hard to come by for the moment but definitely should try them.
Just a little razor burn. I have tried adjusting my technique and going back though basics a step at a time.

Have you changed anything in recent months?? AS, soaps, or even anything in the shower or preshave routine??
Astra SPs aren't my main blade, but to me Red IPs, Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows, and current production Gillette Platinum (borderless white pack) are comparable. I'd add Iridiums to that list if they were readily available.
Red IPs seem the closest to Astras in my razors ( Tech and Slim ). They are just a notch under them for sharpness, but almost as butter smooth.
Have you changed anything in recent months?? AS, soaps, or even anything in the shower or preshave routine??

The only thing I have done and I did that after I started having this problem is add a little witch-hazel to my lather. This did help....

I want to thank everyone for the help. Though I do not check in every day like I used too, it is nice to know this resource is still here to come back too. :thumbup:
I've been sampling various kinds of blades lately, and the blades that seem to me to be most like the Astra SP's are Shark Super Chromes and Gillette 7-O'Clock PermaSharps (in the green box, made in India). Very sharp and very smooth. YMMV.
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