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Astra Blades?


Personna Red Packs have been my go-to shave.

I tried Derbys and they gave me a closer shave than the red packs, but I get red bumps all over my neck from using them.

Tried an Astra and it seems to give me the closeness of a Derby without the red bumps or irritation (gentle like a red pack)

Could this be the best of both worlds? Remains to be seen as it's only been one shave, but what do you guys who have some experience with Astras think?
Astra's are great for me. Sharp (not quite as much so as feathers) but very smooth.

My only problem with them was longevity - I would start getting tugging and pulling on the third shave.
I'm on my third shave with my first Astra. Very impressed. I don't love the RPIP's. They are certainly smooth, but I can't seem to get a really close shave with them. Derby's have been the best for me all around, being challenged lately by the yellow Gillettes and, now, the Astras. I also like Feathers, although, if I am not careful, they leave a lot of irritation along with the BBS cheeks.

I havn't tried red packs... but I have astra superior platinum... derby, sharp stainless, and feather to compare with.

Astra is not quite as smooth as Sharp Stainless, but is sharper (ironic... I know.)

Let me break it down when it comes to my experiences.

Sharp = Smoothest. Sharper then Derby. Not as sharp as Astra or Feather.
Derby = Dullest in my experience. Average blade in my opinion. Good, standby.
Feather = Sharpest... sometimes I wonder if I'm using a laser on my face. Smooth if careful
Astra = Best comprimise of all catagories. Durable(dosn't dull quickly), Sharp (Second sharpest), Smooth (Smoother then feather by far... and more so then Derby. Close to Sharp Stainless in smoothness), and super cheap! Cheaper then any other blade I have. Nice!

My pick? Feather... but its because of my thick, dense, heavy beard. I just like how feathers handle. But I consider the Astra the best buy. And if I where stuck with astra superior platnums for years to come i would be happy.
Not a big fan of the astras except for the keramiks in a slant. Much smoother and forgiving compared to the olive packaged blades.

The keramiks imo are comparable to the iridium supers and much cheaper. Very difficult to find but available from board member melyus at a good price.
When I first discovered the vintage wonder thanks to B&B just after I ordered my sample pack from WCS I read a post about Astra. I shoot out an email and he threw a pack in. It was the best thing that happened in my DE quest. I have been bent on making Feathers work. I found a match for the blade, in my case was a Flare Tip Rocket and corking or my version of it with leather. I also have very good results with feather in a Tuckaway, strange to me but proof is in the pudding. I wonder who started that saying, anyway day in day out it is Astra for me.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I use Astra as my main blade. Superior platinum that is. Super sharp and I am usually able to get 5 shaves (3 passes) per blade.
I love the Astras. I think they combine the best features of blades. The sharpness of a Feather, and the smoothness of a Derby. Astra's don't bite, but they may nibble a little.
Just shaved with an Astra Superior (edit) Stainless in a Gillette NEW.

It was decent, but not very sharp, smooth or close. Tugs a bit XTG, but Resulted in good shave after 4 passes and – most importantly for me lately – NO CUTS!
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I use Astra as my main blade. Superior platinum that is. Super sharp and I am usually able to get 5 shaves (3 passes) per blade.

Just tried the Astra Platinum recently.

I like them allot. Very sharp and they give a smooth shave.

Part of my rotation.

Of course, wait for it...YMMV.
I'm on my third shave with my first Astra. Very impressed. I don't love the RPIP's. They are certainly smooth, but I can't seem to get a really close shave with them. Derby's have been the best for me all around, being challenged lately by the yellow Gillettes and, now, the Astras. I also like Feathers, although, if I am not careful, they leave a lot of irritation along with the BBS cheeks.



Astra SP = my fav blade.
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