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Aspire One Netbook

I am seriously considering the Model: AOD250-1613 netbook. I have shopped around and think it fits me good. Are there any big pluses to getting the model with dual boot os, one is XP and the other is Droid I think. At this time I do not need to run apps but it seems to have such flexability. That being said is Droid something that will be of benefit in the future?
(Maybe the Haberdashery is the wrong place for this question?)

Before you buy a netbook, please, please try typing on one, and try to read a webpage (say, B&B) on the default web browser. Some netbook screens are too small to be useful for much, or for more than a few minutes. Some netbook keyboards are so small as to be unusable.

That said, I have friends who use them for specific purposes and love them.

The android interface is useful, albeit limited. I'd get one to dual-boot, but I'd use Ubuntu's "netbook remix" instead of XP, since the Ubuntu version is specifically tailored for the limited screen space and computing power of a netbook.
Dual boot with another O/S can easily be setup later on. No use paying extra for it.

If you haven't already, get your hands one one of these and see how the keyboard and mousepad feels to you. I bought a different model, it was still an Acer Aspire One but ended up promptly giving it to my niece a couple days later. My hands are way too big to use it. It felt more like a cell phone keypad than a real keyboard.

With the prices of notebooks today, you can get a full fledged notebook for the price of one of these netbooks. It depends on if you are looking for a tool or a "fashion accessory". (Not trying to be a smart-aleck but that is what netbooks really are.)
My wife and I borrowed an acer netbook from a friend right after our son was born. She was spending so much time in the nursery with him that she never got to be online. With the netbook she was able to have a lapful of baby, a small cat, and an internet. Massive win for us.

Yes the keyboard is horribly wee. Yes the screen is too. But the ability to use it for browsing and email with a single hand has been wonderful.
Moved to main Barber Shop. Carry on, techno-wizards. :001_smile

Thanks Chad!

With the netbook she was able to have a lapful of baby, a small cat, and an internet. Massive win for us.

Yes the keyboard is horribly wee. Yes the screen is too. But the ability to use it for browsing and email with a single hand has been wonderful.

Perfect example of "it's a netbook, or else I can't do x." I'm very glad you found it useful. (I used my iPhone rather than a netbook when my little girl was new, and was able to nap better in the crook of my arm than in her crib).
I have an (low end) Asus Netbook which I love (running Xandros linux) and it is great for what I use it for: skype, web browsing, and email. Beyond that, tho, it will never replace my desktop due to the small keyboard and lack of disk space and a few odd decisions that Asus made as far as the linux set up is concerned. I would never try writing a thesis on it or keeping my banking records, etc. But, for its intended use, it's a great machine and you do get used to the smaller (7") screen. One thing to consider as well = battery life. The ASUS I have doesnt' have the greatest time between recharges and that can be limiting.
Dual boot with another O/S can easily be setup later on. No use paying extra for it.

Thats what I was looking for, yes they are small but I have typed on it and thnink I will be ok but will reconsider to make sure. I also will use the browser to, great suggestions.

Sorry for the post in the Haberdasery, I done a search for netbooks there and found a post in that forum and though it would be ok. Now that I have figured out how to shave and have my den full of razors I am enjoying the other forums here more. Thanks Chad for your help!
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