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AS Shelf Life in...?

What is the shelf life of my aftershaves in glass or plastic bottles?

Note, I keep my aftershaves away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Also what would be the results of opening a bottle then putting it away for a long period of time?

What is the shelf life of my aftershaves in glass or plastic bottles?

Note, I keep my aftershaves away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Also what would be the results of opening a bottle then putting it away for a long period of time?

Once it is exposed to air the process of evaporation begins.
Little open time, closed boxed set, etc. will significantly retard the process--though not prevent or stop it.

On the up side a little evaporation is normal and really does not hugely change the product. As I have said many times-referring to my vintage AV--alcohol dies, but menthol is forever. As an example, between bythebook and I, I figure we have about 75 bottles of vintage juice (my oldest is a 70+ year old bottle of Early American Spice Toilet Water) and while a couple of them have been crap from a design or conceptual view I can't really think of any that I thought were rancid, bad, or generally cashed and Jon has not mentioned any either.

Having said that there are some things that definitely seem to lose some punch as they get older, the Shulton Old Spice being a prime example. On the other hand a little evaporation seems to "increase the potency" of some things, concentrating some ingredients. Vintage English Leather being a good example.

If it is from the 60's or 70's and has been taken care of it it will be fine. If it is from the 50's it is alright as long as it has been taken good care of (clean bottle, clean label, box, etc.). Older than that is a crapshoot. So I would say if you want to put some stuff away now, it should be fine for about 40 years--after that things seem to start to get "sludgier" as they age.

Also, remember that Designer A/S's and other "not-made-by-AS-people" products are mostly alcohol and will evaporate MUCH faster than something good with glycerin, witch hazel, lanolin, etc.
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The vast majority of my AS is in plastic bottles.

I was worried that stocking up aka hording AS might not be a good idea.

However your reply was helpful.

I guess the stuff is fine as long as I keep it closed, away from heat and sunlight.

You don't need to start digging a cologne cellar just yet, dude. Don't go crazy. Remember, most of the stuff that comes off eBay has been stored in attics and cellars and trunks and storage spaces for years. And most of them are fine.

Point is, you can keep out the stuff you like and use and keep some under the sink, etc. It will be fine.

The dark and cool thing applies mostly to high-tone colognes and perfumes with semi-perishable botanicals, EO's, etc. that have to be reasonably protected. Very few AS's will be high-tone enough to even think about special storage arrangements.
I am bidding on an Vintage aftershave from the 70's and have just won what I believe is another - Prince Matchabelli Hero. I believe it is discontinued, but will find out soon enough :001_smile .
I have purchased two bottles of Old Spice Burly in the last few weeks, both are probably from around 70-72. They smell great, no issues.
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