I'd like to know if there are specific differences between an aftershave Balm and a regular day cream or moisturizer?
Thing is I have some cream stocked that I'd like to finish. I mean things like baby cream (leftovers from when the kids were smaller), regular plain Nivea cream, etc. Could I use this as aftershave too or are there distinctive advantages to an ASB?
I've seen that shea butter seems to get a lot of love too as an aftershave, so I might switch to that once all my leftover products are finished.
I'd like to know if there are specific differences between an aftershave Balm and a regular day cream or moisturizer?
Thing is I have some cream stocked that I'd like to finish. I mean things like baby cream (leftovers from when the kids were smaller), regular plain Nivea cream, etc. Could I use this as aftershave too or are there distinctive advantages to an ASB?
I've seen that shea butter seems to get a lot of love too as an aftershave, so I might switch to that once all my leftover products are finished.