Skeptic that I am, I almost deleted this as "too good to be true". Turns out, though, that AoS is sending "preferred customers" (i.e. those on their spamlist) a request to re-up, and a sho' 'nuff deal as a bribe: their $25 starter kit that comes with their shaving oil, SC, and ASB (1 oz each), as well as a travel brush (pure badger, but hey, it's free! *grin*) -- all with free shipping on the order including that. (So if you wanted to get some AoS stuff anyway, here's free shipping plus the goodies for you.) The kit comes with a $25 giftcard for a future order ('s a pity they don't let you use it on that order, but that really would be TGTBT, I suppose . . .
The url is Not sure if it works if you're not a re-up, but if you're not on their list you might as well try it . . . Me? I'm waiting for my schwag in the mail!
The url is Not sure if it works if you're not a re-up, but if you're not on their list you might as well try it . . . Me? I'm waiting for my schwag in the mail!