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Is the amazon 12+3 deal the best for arko? This stuff gets a lot of praise here and I want to give it a shot, but I don't know if I'm ready to lay down $20 for something that I may not like. Plus I have an order coming any day now so justifying an additional package (and storage of 15 sticks) to SWMBO would be tricky.

Thanks B&B!
I'm sure a kind soul here on the boards has a spare stick saved up for the shavepocalypse that they might be willing to PIF you.
I'm kind of in the same boat. I'd love to try it but I'm not ready to order 12-15 sticks of it and ordering just one stick with the shipping probably isn't worth it. Maybe I'll come across it in a store some where.
Yep it is about the best deal around you can also look on Ebay but I got a 12+3 deal and so far I have gave away more than I have used. It regenerates !!!
Arko sticks are great add-ins when you place an order with an online vendor. Reduces the shipping cost impact if you only want a stick or two.
bestshave.net or shoeboxshaveshop has them individually. and shoebox has other great hard to find stuff also. I shop locally now tho. found a few places
Do it! I've bought 2 of those 15 stick deals, and I bet I haven't used more than 3 sticks myself. I've given many of them as gifts, and universally people love the lather. People around here seem to be hit or miss on the scent, but everyone I've given them to loves them.
What kind of store would carry Arko shave sticks? Would it probably be some kind of specialty store that caters to a specific ethnic group or something like that? I'm guessing they'll be hard to find in the suburbs.

Antique Hoosier

I sprung for the 12 + 3 Amazon deal and it is headed my way. The cost is less than practically ANYTHING else I've ever purchased shave den related.
you can add a stick or two to your next order from one of the vendors that carries it.

If you DO buy a dozen or more, you won't have any difficulty finding someone to take a few off of your hands. The problem is that shipping is more than the cost of a single stick which is why you had to buy a dozen in the first place

you can add a stick or two to your next order from one of the vendors that carries it.

If you DO buy a dozen or more, you won't have any difficulty finding someone to take a few off of your hands. The problem is that shipping is more than the cost of a single stick which is why you had to buy a dozen in the first place


And that's where the cheese binds so to speak! :biggrin1:
Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I may buy a single stick, even though the unit cost is higher, so that I can determine if I like it.
Is the amazon 12+3 deal the best for arko? This stuff gets a lot of praise here and I want to give it a shot, but I don't know if I'm ready to lay down $20 for something that I may not like. Plus I have an order coming any day now so justifying an additional package (and storage of 15 sticks) to SWMBO would be tricky.

Thanks B&B!
If you don't like it, I'll buy it from you for $20

i did a google search for arko and i came up on a site that had it for $3. $2.49 for a tube. and a ton of different kinds.
i bought 2 sticks of soap, 1 tube of moist, regular, energizing and adventure.

the sticks smell like a yellow skittle tastes.
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