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arko shave stick

so i just finished my first shave with arko and all ive got to say is wow. for the price this soap runs it is an outstanding buy. three and a half passes with my fatboy armed with a red personna and not a single babys butt has anything on my mug. if you havent tried it i highly recommend it. dont be like me and kick yourself for waiting so long.
This is one of those situations where price and quality doesn't follow each other - in the good way.
Just received a stick of the Arko, haven't used it yet but the artwork is pretty sweet. Is it just me or does it smell like Pez?
i love the smell as well, i have to admit when i first saw the price i thought itd smell like crap or worse but i was pleasantly surprised. and its strong too. as soon as i opened the envelop you could smell it. and when i opened the soap itself it filled the whole bathroom. this is definitely a product i will have to replace once gone.
I have a stick of this that I haven't gotten around to using yet. I'll have to give it a go once I get through my La Toja stick, which is a wonderful soap too.

It is really good stuff. If you aren't a big fan of sticks, you can grate it into a dish using a cheese grater. It grates down really easy, and you can form it to the shape of the new container. This will make it much more convenient, in case you would want to try it this way.
I find that scent to be very similar to the bathroom cleaning agent used at the office. Not that this is bad. But it just doesn't sound right admitting to liking the smell of bathroom cleanser.
I find that scent to be very similar to the bathroom cleaning agent used at the office. Not that this is bad. But it just doesn't sound right admitting to liking the smell of bathroom cleanser.

Once Uncle Sam lets me go, I want to work for you. If you call a janitor a Bathroom Cleaning Agent, I can only imagine what an Air Force navigator would rate. Shave bowl cleanser, lather bowl de-foamer, skin lubricant applicator.
Tried out the Arko last night, and I am rather impressed. Arko's a damn fine soap product, and my lady with a discerning nose was intrigued by the scent.

I jammed the stick partially into a travel brush container as a handle. There's an airhole in the bottom that I can use to pop the stick out again with a chopstick. Hooray!

I foresee a case in my future...
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