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Arko is in the air.

After nearly a year of wet shaving, I'm finally getting around to some of the major "players" in the shaving soap world. MWF, Cella, Tabac, Proraso - check! And now, due to repeatedly reading about it, and getting tempted by the price, I've ordered a case of Arko sticks!

I'm thinking of trying the "squish it into a bowl" method. But I'd also like to try a twist-up container. Anyone have a lead on where to get just the container? I checked Mama Bears, but didn't see any empties...

I'd also be open to other recommendations on soaps that "must" be tried (but they may just have to go on the list until budget allows).

Thanks in advance, gents! :biggrin1:

I got mine from WCS


Like you, I am still working through all the popular soaps/creams. I just tried Arko, aka the Turkish stink bomb, this morning. It is a very good soap, for the money. The scent reminds me of cheap, motel soap. The lather is very good, mind you, I just did one pass to touch up last night's shave. I look forward to integrating Arko into my rotation.

I also tried MWF this week. It is a nice, creamy lather. The scent is OK but not great.

I tried TOBS Avocado cream and it gave me a great shave. Lots of protection and the scent is very good.

I have a chunk of P. 160 Sapone Tipo Morbido that is waiting for me.

I recommend some more shave sticks like Valobra, Speick, Palmolive, La Toja. Good thing is, they are inexpensive so really not much risk in trying them out.
I ventured down to a Turkish supermarket yesterday and saw that they had Arko back in stock, I snaffled up a few sticks even though I'm still on my first :thumbup1:
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