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Ariakaas's Entry into the B&B Hall of Fame

Please allow me to introduce myself:


What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Hip Hop, Hip (you name it, I've heard it =) )

Where do you live?
San Antonio, TX

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Secret Squirrel Computer guy

What is your favorite shave setup?
Hmm, I have gone through the mach3 phase and have ended up with a norelco electric razor, on my quest towards ending my ingrown hair problem.

After reading all the Stickies and lurking for the past 2 weeks, I have decided to go straight to the Straights. I went ahead and talk to Joel for some starter advice and so far have come up with this list:

(I am trying to get the best quality stuff for my money, since I hope to use them for a long time without the urge to upgrade.)

Extra Hollow Grind
5/8 Full Hollow ground razor
Round Tip
Stainless Steel (I live in San Antonio TX so I am pretty sure we are considered Humid in climate here)
Dovo; my price range was going to be from $100-150 but I will probably go cheaper since I don't have the knowledge or good habits yet to keep it in great condition. I would really appreciate any help with where I can buy a good ready to shave Dovo razor.

Hones: I was told to hold off on these for now. I will try to be extra careful so that I will only have to use the 4 sided Strop to maintain the sharpness.

Creams, Bowls, Oils etc: hmm, there are way too many to choose from so I would love any advice or other peoples favorites with descriptions on why you love it!

Brush: I have a pretty small face, I am thinking Simpsons PJ2 Super or a Rooney silvertip. I am leaning towards using Creams.

Strops: 4 sided paddle strop, with abrasive diamond pastes in 3, 1, .5, and .25 diamond pastes, as well as a beginner Strop from Tony Miller. I am not too sure on which beginner strop to get? Do I just buy one with leather or do I get a Nylon one as well?

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Hiking, Road biking, Working out, Computers, Video Games, Playing with my Pitt and Corgi/Russel mutt, Movies, Music: Fila Brazilia for relaxing, and lurking these forums =)

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Lets see, I joined the army a while back while i still lived in Cali, and ended up here in Texas after my four years.

I am very new to the wet shaving scene. What first brought it to my attention was something i read on the internet while i was researching ways to get rid of my ingrown hairs. I got really interested after reading about peoples success in getting rid of their ingrown hairs on the Art of Shaving's website.

I then went crazy researching and found Badger and Blade and joined as soon as I could so i could go through the forums and learn as much as I could. I was really interested with DE shaving at first but then after reading and looking at more Straight razor stuff, i could not stop thinking about trying to learn and get good at using one.
Well to be honest, I only started shaving in the first place because I joined the army, and have had an ingrown problem ever since.

HOLY CRAP I write wrote a lot!

Thanx for having me everyone,

(Thread generated automatically by the Hall of Fame Submission Form)
Thanks a lot for the welcome, I am loving the community so far, I have never seen such a gathering of helpful and passionate people. :eek:
First, welcome to B&B! You will enjoy it here.
Your four sided strop should serve you well for quite some time. As with all strops, just be careful not to apply pressure; just let the blade weight do the work. Otherwise, you will end up creating a condition known as a rolled edge and you will probably need to get the razor rehoned.

Based on my early learning experience with straights, I would say that you might be better served with a 5/8 or 6/8 with a 1/4 hollow grind. Many beginners just find the stiffer grind easier to use when just starting out. YMMV and all of that...

You can get a stainless razor but your humidity only means that you may have to use some lubricant such as camelia oil on a high carbon steel (HCS) razor so I would not necessarily rule HCS out.

Get the latigo leather strop from Tony Miller. You won't be disappointed. You do not need a nylon strop.

Finally, enjoy the journey!
hmm, anyone know where i can get my starter round 5/8 hollow grind shave-ready straight razor from? Since I will be so new with handling one I'll probably not want something toooooo nice yet. I was recommended to use a Dovo to start.
Hiep, Welcome to the B&B Hall

two places to get a Dovo are Classic Shaving orVintage Blades they are both excellent retailers, just be sure what ever you ordered that you get one that is pre-sharpened which is just a few dollars more then one that is not, I believe they both use the same person Lynn Abrams from straightrazorplace.com so your razor should be in perfect shave ready condition when it arrives,

On strops a basic apprentice strop will get you started as it is same red latigo leather as the top models just without the fancy hardware and linen, personally I use the linen/canvas but not everyone does, as long as you get from Tony Miller you know you are getting top quality
As soon as I get my hands on a good razor I'll go broke from buying everything else and start learning by experience. It is just a little overwhelming trying to get my first Straight. Once I get over this hurdle I can finally start getting to the fun stuff.
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