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Are you looking forward to the new and improved Blackberry?

I used Blackberries from 2005 until about 2010. The last BB I owned was the Torch. I always found BB a very useful tool. I admit I jumped the ship to Android. I bypassed Iphone altogether. I currently use a Motorola Atrix 2. I enjoy the Atrix but I am starting to feel the itch. The upcoming Z10 looks promising. The Q10 is nostalgic and tempting. I will wait a few months and see what folks are saying.

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Can't say that I am, I would only begruginglty take one if my work gave me one, and then I think I would still prefer Android.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I had the Bold and loved it. I don't know why i moved on to Apple. I'd rather have the qwerty keyboard with physical buttons though.
I use my phone as a tool for business. I don't play games or check Facebook. Android and Iphone are geared for social media and gaming. I even use the phone. :laugh:
Blackberry is dead and buried in my mind. Android is the king (but I use an Iphone. I've had every model since the 2G and don't plan on getting off the boat)
The Wall Street Journal had an article on the Blackberry today. I think it is only a matter of time before RIM ceases to exist. Other than being able to auto-push all e-mail, what can the Blackberry do that the iPhone cannot? I think the Blackberry was great at one point, but the iPhone and every other smart phone have quickly killed it.
Had a pearl in 2007. It died and I moved onto the curve in 2008 and then the bold 9900 in 2011/12. The phones were great but I really only used it for BBM and talking. (Imagine that.) Not one for a lot of multitasking on the phone, I was looking for something a little bit more fun. I too, passed over the iphone and jumped into the Samsung Galaxy 3. I love it. I will also admit that the new Z10 is looking very tempting. My concern is 1.) Shares are still sinking even after Blackberry (formerly RIM) introduced the 2 new pieces of hardware. And 2.) I don't know how many people would even be left on my BBM friends list. I really hope this company succeeds. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I've never used a BB, but from an outside perspective it seems they simply rested on their laurels and frankly got cocky about their email security for business feature and didn't pay attention to the fact that the iPhone and Android had fixes and many of the high level execs in companies simply pushed the iPhone and Android platforms into their businesses and told their IT departments to have a nice day. The execs had iPhones and Androids for personal use and they frankly didn't want another device for work.

I think within 24 months they'll cease to exist.
All I do with my phone is text and check my email.
I'm one of the few people out there who have (gasp!) a Windows 7 phone
BB is dead.. I used one for 6 years.

As far as Android and iOS being geared to social media and gaming.. Only if you set it up that way. Both platforms lend themselves to business usage quite well.
I'm very excited. I have been a Blackberry user for several years, but use a 5th gen Ipod Touch for music/apps/camera due to availability. I've flirted with an Iphone on numerous occasions, as well as android devices (my brother is a die hard android fan- he owns a tablet and has a modified rom on his phone). My sister-in-law is a die hard Apple fan- Macbook Pro, Ipad, Iphone. I have experience with all three operating systems. However in my opinion, a Blackberry with a physical keyboard cannot be beaten if the bulk of your use is phone calls/texts/email. I respond to numerous emails daily, which is the primary reason that I've stayed with physical keyboard phones and Blackberry.
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Unfortunately blackberry waited 2 years to long. I can now type faster without a physical keyboard than I could with (spelling aside). While I would not go back myself would hate to see them fail.
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