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Are our olfactory senses addicted to Tabac?

What the hell is Tabac's scent anyway...is there crack or heroin in there, the damn scent is addicting. I open the shave soap dish to take a whiff. I sniff my dry shave brush. I open the tube and snort. What the hell is happening to me?!?!:001_tongu

I do have a love/hate relationship with Tabac. Mostly love, but (forgive me) on occasion it is so pungent, that the scent transports me to a just used gas station urinal, replete with flowery urinal cakes.

Perhaps all the Tabac haters out there, don't hate Tabac after all, perhaps they are macrosmatic or in other words have an overly keen olfactory sense. I know if my sense of smell was any stronger, Tabac might be a scent that was just to powerful for me.

Perhaps the people that hate Tabac are actually descended from a long line of German Bloodhounds that years ago, tracked perfumy yet stinky serial killers through the streets of Cologne?

Just a thought.
Don't worry. It's a harmless addiction. Except if you feel an overwhelming attraction for old German women and find yourself spending time hanging around public washrooms.

- Peter
I bought my first Tabac today after experiencing Tallowy goodness for the first time with Irisch Moos. I'm also contemplaing some Speick and Prairie Creations.

The fancy one with the ceramic bowl, cost me $18 shipped. Which I am totally okay with. I can't wait.
It's one of my go-to's. I like it but I'm not crazy about the scent; I won't be buying the Tabac AS or EdT. But as a shaving soap it's one of the finest out there IMO. The haters wouldn't be taking a shot at it if it truly sucked, but for those who can't stand the scent I can see where it would be frustrating because it's otherwise a great performer. On the flip side, that's how I feel about TOBS Avocado cream - great performer but I can't deal with its scent.
Tabac lathers regardless of water hardness, is slick, lasts a long time, is forgiving and only costs around $10 for the refill puck. The scent is the only reason I can see people having issue with it, but YMMV and all that. Once I rinse after shaving I find it doesn't linger. Personally the scent doesn't bother me.
Hate to be the naysayer here but I'd rather thought the Tabac scent was a love-hate type with both advocates as well as many unable to abide the smell. Accordingly I don't see how it could be considered addictive by any stretch of the imagination.
Picture yourself in your den with frustration
Where modern day Williams just lathers so dry
A new soap arrives, you open it slowly
It smells like some perfumed old guy

Loading your brush, it's smelling quite clean now
Lather flows out of your bowl
Look at that shave, there's a smile in your eyes
And you're gone

Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'

Smelling it now it's like granny's foundation
The drawer where the old folks their undies do hide
But you ignore it, you're craving that lather
That shaves so incredibly nice

Soon you will find that you're craving it more
So you order that big ol' cologne,
You're immersing yourself in that sick Tabac scent
And you're gone

Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'

Picture yourself in your den with frustration
Where humdrum old soaps make you sad and you sigh
That puck of Tabac is just sitting there waiting
You can't quit it now if you try

Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'

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Hmmm! Tabac! This morning after two days of no shaving I went to my shave den and decided to create a super lather with a dollop of Tabac shave cream placed onto my puck of Tabac in my mug! I then whipped this into a rich smelling super lather and did a three pass shave and finished it off with good old Tabac AS!

So much Tabac goodness!
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'
Sniffing my Tabac, and smilin'

"The drawer where the old folks their undies do hide"....ahahhhhahahahahahahahahaha!

Top shelf stuff from Topshelfgumby!!!!

Once again your sheer genius inspires me. More Beatles, more Tabac...how the hell can you lose with that?

I use to get mad at my brush. (No, I can't re-shave)
The lather I made turned to mush (No, I can't re-shave)
It's dripping on down
there's globs all around
old soap into toilet must flush

Now I have to admit I'm using Tabac
I'm using Tabac all the time (I can't shave no worse)
I have to admit I'm using Tabac
a little Tabac
and I'll be fine.
Jim --

People are unique in their response to aromas. Many don't care for the Arko scent, but I'm neutral about it or have actually come to like it a bit. OTOH, I really don't care for the scent of Tabac. At all. <Shrug>

-- John Gehman
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