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Are iKon Modern's completely sold out.everywhere?

As far as I know they are all sold out. It was a limited edition razor. I'm pretty sure I purchased the last modern from the Italian barber site a few months back. Since then I sold it on BST
Thanks men!

I just cannot bring myself to pay that much for a razor with two different sides. I know this is supposed to be the selling point but it doesn't seem like something I'd like.

I emailed Greg. He did say they planned on having something later this year.

Thanks again!
Anybody know? I've wasted countless hours looking around the internet that Al Gore invented!!


Algore is a liar. Members of the US Military invented what we now call the internet in the late 1940's IIRC. Algore was just a little kid back then and certainly didn't have access to a computer at that time (only large research institutions and the military had computers back then). Algore and Slick Willie can go off into history now where they unfortunately belong along with Tricky Dick!

As for the iKon razors I have also noticed in my perusal of various vendors sites that they are unavailable. Maybe they discontinued the line or the manufacturer may no longer be in business but unfortunately I don't know.
Not sure which type you mean.

S3S Bamboo


2PB Bamboo

Ikon OSS
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