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Found a bottle of Aramis after shave at Macy's the other day. Sweet, spicy, old school. I like it.

Anyone ever try it?
Yeah baby!

Brings me back to the mid to late 80's. Sweet, spicy, old school ..... wow, I can almost smell it now!
I still use the AS and Cologne every once in a while...it always reminds me of high school and my Dad. I will usually get a few comments from people on it as well :)
This was my dad's "good" cologne when I was growing up...I think his everyday was a drugstore brand (stetson or something similar).
A woman on the bus complimented me on my 'Christmassy aftershave' this morning... I am positively reeking of Aramis - AS, ASB, Edt, Deodorant stick and shower gel.
Aramis. If the 80s smelled like Polo then the 70s must have reeked of Aramis!

My dad wore this stuff and it reminds me of him. I wore it a few times in high school.

Aramis definitely is a unique scent!
LOVE Aramis! It's also my dad's favorite cologne and I have a lot of great memories associated with that scent. My wife loved it when we met and were living far from my family. She doesn't like me to wear it now that we live close to my folks. She says it makes her feel like she's "making-out" with my dad.:nono:
When I was a kid, my neighbor wore it. Every holiday and Super Bowl Sunday they would host parties. I hadn't smelled it in years, but a recent whiff brought those days back. Classic.
It was one of my AS in the 80's, along with Gucci and Anteus

I had a dig through my AS cupboard and found 3 bottles of Aramis (2 unopened and one almost full), a bottle of Aramis Devin and a bottle of Aramis New West.

This week has been an Aramis week for me
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