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aqua velva thoughts

i got the inlaws to get me some aqua velva from america - whats every ones thoughts on this? Ive read the review on the standard one and it looks quite highly thought off.
This will depend largely on associations with smells from your past. I set out to get myself the traditional, took a smell of the bottle and it was a little too vividly 60's for me. I bought the Aqua Velva Sport instead and still consider it sort of retro but will give it a try.

- Chris
It's really hard to describe. It's a great scent--not my absolute favorite but certainly up there. I'm no good at describing scents, but to me it's deep, aromatic, rugged. I think you'll be pleased. Besides, the AS properties are top-notch. You may want to ask the in-laws to pick up some AV Musk as well
For the price, AV is a great purchase. In my opinion, it should be in every shave den. It's not a top-of-the-line product, but it's quite good and I am [retty fond of the scent.
Good stuff! It is not overpowering (on me at least!). Wonderful cooling properties, and conditions the skin nicely.

I honestly believe if they used a different name and bottle, tripled the price, but otherwise left everything about the product the same, their sales would go up dramatically.

Use it and enjoy!:velva2:
AV rocks because:

* It's cheap
* It's very effective
* It smells great (YMMV)
* The scent fades quickly so it doesn't get in the way of any EDT you want to wear for the day

Glade you were able to score some!
+1 AV Classic Rocks, Musk and Ice Sport are no slouches either but AV Classic is the best of the trilogy IMHO
I just got the Classic Ice Blue. I was a little wary, I admit because of the low cost, universal availability, and general popularity of the product, which was probably very unfair of me. But I am a big fan of scents, edts, aftershaves, balms, bay rums, skin toners, alum bars, etc., etc., at all price levels; from drugstore witchhazel, to M&L Florida Water (particular fave) and Colonia de Rosas, to Pinaud/Clubman products of all sorts (love LV even though I do not put that in my signature), to QED, to GFT skinfood, to T&H (Grafton in particular), to Knize Ten (continue to be utterly fascinated with it), to Penhaligon's (love BB (in particular), Douro, Opus, Elixir, and really all other Pen's I have every had more than 1.5 ml of), to C&S (not 88 so much for some reason, but O&C, Dark Rose, Neroli, Citrus Paradis, F&M), to Creed (not such a big fan, but I "like" most).

I would have thought of myself as discriminating, but given what I have written on these fora, and above just now, maybe not. So take anything I say with a grain of salt. But I would say that The National Razor (who frequently, but does not always has the same taste as me) and adonnellyr (pretty much, but not quite, ditto) pretty much "nail" AV in my opinion, at least for the Ice Blue, and I am sure I will be buying at least the green, too. I really like the scent (it is not strong or lingering) and it feels really good on the skin.

The scent is not as associative as say Clubman AS, for me, I guess my Dad did not use AS, and Clubman really brings back the barber shop from long ago and not so long ago, for me, which is a very powerful and pleasing scent association for me (Proust had it right!) so if you are from the UK/Glasgow, you may not get that kind of association either. It also seems less retro/60s to me than Clubman or, say, Old Spice, probably for exactly the same reasons, and you may get the same impression. Does seem very "American" somehow.

I feel like I easily become a fan boy for some many of these scents that it is getting embarassing. But could see myself becoming that for AV, too!

Question for you: Was the cologne British Sterling every sold in the UK? If so, did it every have a following? The reason I raise it, is that in retrospective, I think it, ironically, has a very American scent, too, that in some ways is not far off AV! Certainly, BS does not seem anything like many of the Brit edts that come immediately to mind--say the various Pen's, GFTs, and C&S. Maybe T&H Grafton a bit.
I pretty much agree with what everyone else has said. It's pretty darn good stuff. Not the best stuff out there, but what you get for the price you pay is well worth it and then some, or at least that's true for the Classic Ice Blue. I haven't tried the Musk or the Ice Sport yet.
I like it because that's what they have in the men's locker room at the golf course (no, my course doesn't use Clubman). The golf course is a happy place for me, and AV reminds me of being there. It's not a substitute for some of the higher end stuff, but I think of it as a nice change of pace from time to time.

I'm not crazy about AV's scent, I think its sweet notes come across more strongly than they should, although it's a decent fresh scent, plus it's rather fleeting anyway.

That complaint aside, it's an excellent inexpensive everyday aftershave, packed with glycerin and menthol. Although if you don't have easy access to it, Proraso's splash aftershave has the same excellent performance, and though also fleeting, I tend to prefer its scent.
Thanks for all replies - realy looking forward to getting this stuff now.

I know that based in UK we have access to a lot of really good products of all price ranges - but some reason, I always tend to go for the American stuff, I dont know why, I just love all things American :biggrin:

Anyways get this on Thursday and will let you know what I think.
I'm not crazy about AV's scent, I think its sweet notes come across more strongly than they should, although it's a decent fresh scent, plus it's rather fleeting anyway.

That complaint aside, it's an excellent inexpensive everyday aftershave, packed with glycerin and menthol. Although if you don't have easy access to it, Proraso's splash aftershave has the same excellent performance, and though also fleeting, I tend to prefer its scent.

I like "fleeting" in an aftershave. (Just commenting. I do not see arcman saying "fleeting" is bad!) I like to be able to wear whatever edt I want, apart from the AS I use. I agree that AV is fairly fleeting. Fleeting enough for me, anyway.
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The scent is fleeting, but the efficacy lasts for a long time. I love how I can feel the menthol tingle on my hands for like two hours afterwards sometimes...

I'm a bit heavy handed in my splash applications, and when there are those times where I really want to apply a LOT (lol), I go for the Velva. Smells awesome, works great, high alcohol + glycerin + menthol + classic scent = epic WIN.

My wife laughed her *** off at me when I kept smelling it at the market every time we shopped, making fun of my "old man scent fetish"...until I got some, put it on without her knowing what it was, and said "sniff". Immediate, visceral, animal reaction in her, lol...she instantly went all glassy eyed and swooned..."Now THAT smells good!". When I told her it was the ol' AV, she said "well, it IS a classic for a reason". It's her fave scent on me, besides the Dominica Bay Rum (she thinks it smells like a christmas ham, but in a really really good way...it's one of those "so good I want to eat it" scents to her). The AV love she has now is a good thing, because I can't wear Old Spice...her dad uses it, and to be like her dad is a good thing, but also a bit too...you know...girls and their father issues....
I like "fleeting" in an aftershave. (Just commenting. I do not see arcman saying fleeting is bad!) I like to be able to wear whatever edt I want, apart from the AS I use. I agree that AV is fairly fleeting. Fleeting enough for me, anyway.
It's only a bad thing if you were hoping it would stick around for longer. :biggrin:
I have been using Classic Ice Blue almost daily since I read about it here at B&B. The scent is nice but what I really love about it is the alcohol burn followed by the menthol cool. It is just a lovely sensation after a shave.

I also have the Musk an the Ice Sport. The Ice sport is very nice and the Musk is not bad, although I think Jovan makes a better Musk. On both I miss the menthol! I plan to try some Proraso.

Note that Target sells a double the size bottle for around the same price as everyone else sells the regular size. It was around $5. Target also has good prices on Nivia.

Just wanted to let you know------not EVERYONE (male or female) likes this stuff! I don't care if I'm the only guy in the world who hates this vile concoction. It gives me a splitting headache---something about that very overpowering, strong, cheap stench does it to me every time. I'm not joking when I say I've never smelled another aftershave that I simply can not and will not wear or buy again! I've tried it a few times just to be sure and will never do it again. I may be allergic to it. The only good thing I can say about it is it comes in a glass bottle. I recently bought the large one, dumped the blue toxic waste down the drain, cleaned off the label, and after THOROUGHLY washing it out, refilled it with Lilac Vegatol------now THAT'S nice!
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