i got the inlaws to get me some aqua velva from america - whats every ones thoughts on this? Ive read the review on the standard one and it looks quite highly thought off.
I'm not crazy about AV's scent, I think its sweet notes come across more strongly than they should, although it's a decent fresh scent, plus it's rather fleeting anyway.
That complaint aside, it's an excellent inexpensive everyday aftershave, packed with glycerin and menthol. Although if you don't have easy access to it, Proraso's splash aftershave has the same excellent performance, and though also fleeting, I tend to prefer its scent.
It's only a bad thing if you were hoping it would stick around for longer.I like "fleeting" in an aftershave. (Just commenting. I do not see arcman saying fleeting is bad!) I like to be able to wear whatever edt I want, apart from the AS I use. I agree that AV is fairly fleeting. Fleeting enough for me, anyway.
For the price, AV is a great purchase. In my opinion, it should be in every shave den. It\'s not a top-of-the-line product, but it\'s quite good and I am [retty fond of the scent.