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Approx. date of this Williams soap puck?

I stopped off at a vintage shop on the way home, ever hopeful, and there not being much else, bought this box of Williams soap:

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No bar code, no circle for the price. I remember seeing a discussion about this but can't Google it up now. The puck is still wrapped up in paper, looks pretty bad though. Is there a Williams chronological pictorial that I may have missed?

thank you.

Older than 1957. From the looks of the box I'd guess late 40's early 50's. Any ads on the paper inside? That could help narrow it down.
Older than 1957. From the looks of the box I'd guess late 40's early 50's. Any ads on the paper inside? That could help narrow it down.

Yes, oddly enough I didn't look at it very hard and just thought it was about this soap. It for "Conti Castile Shampoo". The World's Most Recommended Shampoo.


JB Williams merged with Conti in 1950 and moved out of Glastonbury in 1957. I'd need to see the ad to try and narrow it down further.

JB Williams merged with Conti in 1950 and moved out of Glastonbury in 1957. I'd need to see the ad to try and narrow it down further.

Easy enough.

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And that link I will bookmark, that was the one I read before and couldn't locate again.

thanks very much, I was confident I would find the answer here in this forum.

So, a soap that is as old or older then me. I'm speechless.

Can't narrow it down any further definitely. I'd suspect 1953-1957 based on earlier ads not claiming to be the worlds most recommended shampoo. In any case, great soap.
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