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Applying strop paste/powder?

Hi guys,

No doubt you have heard this before but sure here goes. I recently purchased a timor prima rindleder strop from the invisible edge plus 5 grams of green chromium oxide powder. I am quite unsure as to how to apply this as the powder looks as if it will just fall straight off once I hang the strop. I have heard of some guys on here mixing their green powder with oil (neatsfoot/ballistol?) - is this more advantageous than simply applying it as per the instructions (rubbing it in dry etc) or should I just go with the instructions from the invisible edge lads?

Please help, my two straights have been neglected recently!


Chrome oxide will make a heck of a mess if you aren't careful; it is a pigment and will color your bathroom door green very quickly, much to the annoyance of SWMBO. I'd suggest keeping it down with some grease or oil, maybe vaseline. Take a very small dab of vaseline (maybe a quarter teaspoon) and mix in as much chrome oxide as it will hold, then smear this thinly on the strop and work it in with your fingers. Don't put a thick coating on, because paradoxically that will tend make your razor duller. Let it set for a few days so it gets a chance to soak in a bit before using it.
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