I'm sure that this may only be news to a few and I must have missed the info regarding AOS soap reformulation. I was under the impression, based on many prior posts and Jim's excellent compendium, that AOS soaps are both triple milled and TALLOW based. I was also under the impresion that they were made for AOS by Valobra from Italy. So I was in the AOS store at the King of Prussia mall today and I inquired about their line of soaps as I have never even smelled them let alone used them before. I was directed to the line of soaps and they were out in there respective bowls. I must say that the scents were extremely muted, but they were of course dry pucks. The salesperson then told me that they were all Glycerin based and did not contain tallow. It was as if he was letting me know that there were no BAD animal fats in it. I did not ask, he simply offered that info. I told him that I was under the impression that AOS soaps did contain tallow and both he and the other salesperson in the store confirmed that they do NOT contain tallow. I was not about to call him on anything given my lack of experience with soaps and the fact that there was no ingredients label on the packages. At any rate I then asked if they were made for AOS by an Italian company to which he replied "no, we make all our own soaps in house down in Miami". I mentioned that I had heard tha a company called Valobra made the soap for AOS and he said that they have always been made by AOS in the states. Anyway, can you guys shed some light on this cause now I'm confused. Thanks.