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AoS Sandalwood body lotion, does it exist?

So my boss has dry skin, bad. He LOVES the AoS Sandalwood scent. He's tried all sorts of sandalwood body lotions but since the AoS sandlewood scent is not a traditional type scent nothing he's tried so far has that scent. I told him I'd ask around a bit to see what I could find. To be honest I'm starting to need lotion for my elbows these days so I'm kinda interested myself. If anyone knows of one or of someone who can make one with a scent to match the AoS without charging an arm and a leg I'd appreciate it (and heck, my boss still might buy it even if it DOES cost an arm and a leg). Thanks!
While I'm no expert, fragrances might work against the moisturizing stuff in skin creams. My suggestion for your boss, is to find a great all-around moisturizing cream (I like Institut Karite with shea butter, or Euceryn with sunscreen), then use the AOS sandalwood cologne as a spray or rollon. I also like the AOS sandalwood, it's great.
I didn't know they even made a cologne haha My boss probably has it already too knowing him. I didn't figure I'd have much luck but figured I's ask anyways. Thanks for at least taking a look, I appreciate it.
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