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AOS or Trumpers

I just started using soap, AOS unscented, after many years of cream shaving.

I can purchase AOS and Trumpers locally and was wondering if one was more highly regarded?

Also, Floris can be bought locally if you think that is a better option.
Both AoS and Trumpers are good soaps. AoS is better IMHO, given it's tallow base (Trumpers is veggie). I haven't used the reformulated Floris, but from what I've read, it's not worth it.
I've heard the reformulated Trumpers is just as good as the old. AoS is good, but I much prefer Trumpers fragrances, and I wouldn't be put off by the lack of tallow in the case of Trumpers. Definitely avoid Floris.

Trumpers is one of the best veggie soaps out there. That being said, the tallow AOS just has that special "Omphf" that makes it one of the best, period. I'd go with AOS sandalwood.
As much as it pains me to say it (as a tallow lover), I think I slightly prefer Trumpers Rose and Lime to AoS soaps. Both are really excellent though, and I'd advise you to go with the scent that most appeals to you.
Don't write Floris off yet. My current pucks perform just as well as my AOS. However, Floris is fragranced strongly in JF and to my taste that deters from the experience. No 89 might be your huckelberry:wink2:

AOS is a sure thing. I have and use all three scents in rotation.

It's been a while, but ulitimately I used my Trumpers as a bath soap:scared:

Who knows though. YMMV. I know one gent who has used Trumpers sandalwood for 12 years straight. Total devotion.
AOS hands down IMO. Trumpers is just ok to me....really left me disappointed.

Get the AOS sandalwood scent. Its really good. I also have the lemon its great and VERY lightly scent--almost non-existent. (I thought at first I had bought the unscented AOS). I personally like a strong scent in a soap, but if it didn't shave so well, I would have already traded or sold it. AOS soaps are top notch products--one of the best out there and one of the only triple milled tallow soaps still available. A real treasure.
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I've never used AOS, but Trumpers is my favorite soap. I used to be an ardent devotee of tallow in all things, but honestly it's lost its mystique for me.

I do like a lot of tallow soaps, but I also like a lot of veggie soaps (including reformulations of what once upon a time had tallow).
Another vote for AOS - based on head to head performance, most likely because it contains tallow #1 ingredient. You gotta love Trumpers though because it's the best veggie soap and has old school English charm.
I'm not gonna get into that tallow thing, cause some people argue it doesn't make a soap better blah blah. I really don't know.
What I do know is that my AOS soap performs way way better than my Trumper's soap.
I have a current production puck of each presently in use.

They are all good shaving soaps. None of the soaps should disppoint you.

Infact the real difference is the scent you prefer.

The Floris scents are manufactured and not pure. More like a quality perfume. The wooden bowl is the best of the three. The JF is citrussy, the Elite is woody and the No, 89 is floral.

The AOS uses essential oils and so the scents are true to label. The Sandalwood is a very nice manly scent.

The Trumpers soaps are difficult to fault. Their rose soap is different and very nice on a warm summers day. Depending on the scent oils used, the soaps will leave your face with a different feeling, depending on your skin type. Sandalwood for example will oil your skin, whist rose is neutral and limes will remove oils.

If you want a true comparison, you need to get the limes or the sandalwood from both makers.

In England, the AOS is expensive, the Floris is high end and the Trumpers is middle of the road. I think in America, AOS is not seen as so expensive but not inexpensive.

Incidentally, Valobra hard soap which comes in a 50 gm shaving stick is similar to AOS and a cheap way to see if you like these type of soaps, which I am sure you will.

Incidentally, I doubt you will be able to tell the difference between animal fat and vegetable fat based soaps. I can't and I've been using Trumpers off and on for forty years now.

What I do accept is that both Floris and Trumpers first attempts at vegetable fat oil based soaps were really quite bad. But they have moved since those mistakes were made.
Thanks Gents for all the replies.

My decesion:
Purchase AOS Sandalwood. Eventually I'll grab some Trumper's.

I just found out that I can purchase Cello and Tabac at a local store.
I'll spare you guys and start that tread later!
I just received a new AOS Sandalwood and bowl last week. Better than great a true treat for those days when you have the time.

You mentioned Cella, UNBELIEVABLE. Cheap and equal to AOS except for its scent.

I currently have both new and old formulation Trumper soaps.
To me there is no comparison. Good effort on the reformulation but no cigar. I will not be buying any in the future. Their Coconut used to be my favorite, (still is but just a tiny bit left around the sides).
Never tried the Floris

The unscented AOS is a terrific soap also

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