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AOS or Harris

I am coming off of a 1 year restriction which prohibited my buying any new soaps, (or creams). This was a bet made with my Wife and I won...:w00t:. I just sold a tub of Salters Lime and a GFT bowl of almond yesterday here. This still leaves me with 14 ACTIVE Products in my rotation. One exception was a free stick of Valobra from WCS which didn't count, it was free but showed me there are still products untried by me that are outstanding. Anyway to the point, a few of my my old formula Trumpers are beginning to run low, (holes showing in the middle of the bowl) so I added Irisch Moos stick and speick stick as well as L'Occaine which was kind of a Christmas present. I just ordered a tub of Cella and now its down to the following 2-Harris Arlington or AOS Sandlewood. Have any of you Gentleman tried both and if so which would you go with?

I do love variety. I read all these post about using 1 soap or cream for a week and would love to take part but just know I couldn't:001_smile

Ok heres the question again--Harris or AOS

Thanks for your opinions, (Help)
AOS by a mile. One of the last tallow creations left. One of my favorite soaps.

Harris lather is just too thin for my tastes.
Another vote for AOS sandalwood. By far my best performer. If you want to save money get it without the wood dish.
where is the best, (cheapest) place to buy?

if you can pick it up locally, i'd do that to save on shipping.

if you are going to buy online, www.fragrancex.com has free shipping and they now carry the full range of AOS products.

If you want it in stick form (or don't mind grating it down) Valobra shave stick is the same stuff without the EO and can be had for less than AOS. You can pick up a stick of that at www.westcoastshaving.com
I think you really should consider the Harris. Its a great performer. Check marks across the list. :thumbup1:

The scents are subtle. Once you try the Arlington, you wont even look back
Harris is a much better value and I like Arlington, but AOS is a MUST and the best sandalwood scent out there. I buy the refill at the AOS store, but Nordstroms carries it along with other high end department stores. And, of course, online.
Harris. Stick with Harris. I don't know about AOS sandalwood but I don't like AOS as a company and prefer to take my business elsewhere!
The Harris lavender is OK. It's tripple milled with a good lavender scent.
Probably the best lavender shaving soap. Incidentally, I don't like the other Harris soaps as in general, I find them a bit thin.

The AOS is a softer soap and I don't think it is tripple milled. It is extremely expensive for what it is, but they use great essential oils and the sandalwood soap is a great scent and a rich lathering soap. It cost gram for gram two and a half times the price of Valobra which is a similar soap.

Actually, its like all the AOS products, grossly overpriced. The soap delivers a geat shave and leaves you smelling sweet. Mind you so does C&E sandalwood for far less money and that's another good American brand.
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I love them both and would have to have to choose between them. AOS is probably one of if not the best performing soap out there and, if forced, this is the one I would choose.

That being said, don't listen to the Arlington detractors either -- you have to try it for yourself. Arlington is much loved around here because it is a great performer, and the scent is both unique and wonderful.

In fact, I shaved with it this morning. :thumbsup:


The AOS is a softer soap and I don't think it is tripple milled. It is extremely expensive for what it is, but they use great essential oils and the sandalwood soap is a great scent and a rich lathering soap. It cost gram for gram two and a half times the price of Valobra which is a similar soap.

Actually, its like all the AOS products, grossly overpriced. The soap however is a good rich lathering soap that delivers a geat shave and leaves you smelling sweet.

This is not correct.

The AOS is one of the few tallow 1st soaps available and it absolutely is triple milled, hard as a rock and will last you a very long time. Whether or not it is overpriced is a matter of personal opinion. I don't think it is overpriced at all. In fact, I have a deep stock of it and I keep buying more so I will not run out when the inevitable day comes that they change the formula.
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I guess I'll be a voice of dissent. D.R. Harris for me.

+1. I agree. I just sold my AoS Sandalwood soap. Not because of its scent (which is amazing) but b/c it left my skin feeling dry afterwards. So though I might be in the minority, I'd urge you to try Harris's Arlington.

...or, since you're just coming off of a 1 year sabbatical, BUY BOTH! :w00t:
Harris soaps seems to be in flux. They were going to go all veggie then decided to stay with a veggie/tallow mix. Who knows what they'll do next. And the scent of the newer Arlington I've read described as 'citronella' - I'm going to wait a while to see where Harris takes their soaps before buying another.
I liked the smell of Arlington but it irritated my skin. I don't think it was the scent either. I know people will tell me that it's not possible, but I really can feel the palm oil in it. It doesn't give me the tallowy feeling lather of Tabac or AOS (though I don't think the Sandalwood agreed with my skin either). It performs more like Provence Sante and Cade in my opinion. I did like the smell though. It smells kind of like Williams.
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