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Anyone know of any good soap vendors?

Hi all, Im kind of new here so if this kind of thread isnt allowed let me know and I will delete it.

Does anyone know of any good soap vendors in the Toronto area? I realize I can buy soaps online, but I'm pretty broke and don't want to pay shipping costs (student.) I just bought a straight razor and neglected to factor in the costs of soap... i'm using shick hydrogel out of a can for now, but I really want to try some soaps like Porasso, MWF, Tabac (basically, the ones listed here most often.)

Thanks for your help!

edit: I should mention I've been all over the buy/sell here, but most soaps are listed as lots and after contacting a few members i've come to realize that most prefer selling to conus buyers. Makes sense, but sucks
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Have a look through this page from the Wiki and see if there are any Vendors in your area. If there are none close enough to visit, check how much product you need to purchase in order to obtain free shipping.
Good luck.
SDM for Proraso, Loblaws for Kiss My Face, AOS can usually be found at Sephora. But the online retailers in the GTA are really great. They do have minimums to avoid the shipping, but $50 at Fendrihan and $60 at Italian Barber is fairly reasonable.
If you have a grocery store near you, you can pick up a can of Barbasol shave cream. It is a top-performer canned shave cream, most people here will agree with that. If a mall near you has a Bath & Body Works they sell tubes of Bigelow shave cream, which is just a rebranded Proraso. Also, If you want to get a few online, there are some vendors here, such as Queen Charlotte Soaps and Mama Bear, that are very reasonably priced.

Here's another one to try. L'Occitanne soaps are among the top performers, smell great, and lather easily (get the Cade). A refill puck is very moderately priced. Here is their website's store locator page: http://ca.loccitane.com/boutique-locator,19,1,933,17947.htm?country=Canada# Good luck!

Oh, and might I also add welcome to B&B!
Both fendrihan.com and italianbarber.com ship for free over $50 and $60 respectively. You can also try Shopper's or Walmart. Shopper's has Proraso, Nivea and The Real Shaving Company. Walmart has Nivea.


I got moves like Jagger
Dave at Benton Clay makes some great shave soaps (especially the Vetiver Paradisi) and if you can't get out to Bolton, his shipping charges are really low as he doesn't go in for a great deal of packaging.
For local in-store shopping:

-Shoppers Drug Mart has various Proraso products (creams, soaps, preshaves). They also have Real Shaving Company creams.
-Pharmaplus has Wilkinson sword shaving soap in a bowl
- Well.ca has stuff, and shipping is relatively cheap ($2.99)

There are several great retailers in the area, and the actual shipping costs are not too bad.
Wow awesome thanks everyone! I'll definitely be checking out Shoppers, didn't think they would carry Proraso products. Sadly, $50 is out of my budget to hit the free shipping mark (yes, I am that poor. Life of a student.)


System Generated
well.ca has some good deals on KissMyFace creams. they have a few scents and 2 different sizes.

shipping used to be free with no minimum, but looks like it's about $2.99 shipping for a couple tubes, unless you hit the $25 mark. there are always a ton of "discount codes" if you google it. free shipping, $10 off 1st order etc.

oh yeah, they carry a bunch of Thayers WH too, that's where my KMF and Thayers come from. very convenient and fast shipping.

** NO I do not work for Well.ca **
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